subject post spotlights

subject POSt spotlight: FOREST CONSERVATION

forest conservation is one of those programs that you only know about if it’s something you’re already interested in. however, such a dynamic program as this one shouldn’t be as niche as you think it?is. you don’t have to be a farm boy from northern ontario to pursue this degree.

with applications in environmental, political, policy-making and scientific careers, forest conservation can lead to a host of exciting opportunities.

what is this program?

exactly what it sounds like. you learn about forests, from every angle and discipline: ecology, science, urban planning, and biology. forestry combines “traditional ecological (biology, zoology) and physical (soil science, hydrology) sciences with social sciences.

it’s a truly interdisciplinary program, one that will prepare you for “[r]esponsible stewardship of our forests.” which sounds a little bit like you’ll be some kind of benevolent tree god after completing this program – and what’s not to like about that?

does this program have any prerequisites?

most of the forest conservation POSts recommend?you take BIO120 and a smattering of other courses?in your first year to stay on track.

however, all the programs are type 1’s, so as long as you’ve completed 4.0 FCEs, you can enrol in?any forest conservation program instantly.

what kind of a degree do i get with this program?

an H.B.A. or an H.B.Sc., depending on which POSt you go for. the forest conservation science programs will be – you guessed it – an H.B.Sc., and the forest conservation programs will be an H.B.A.

from the calendar: “The arts program focuses on communal forest management, development of forest policies, forest economics and forest product trade, with electives in social sciences, while the science program concentrates on forest biology and ecology with electives in life and physical sciences.

either way, both the science and arts?programs are super diverse and super relevant, especially in a Canadian context.

what jobs/opportunities are available for this program?

the faculty of forestry also offers a Master of Forest Conservation (MFC), Master of Science in Forestry (MScF) and PhD program. the master’s program incorporates a three-month internship into its course structure.

graduates are employed in a diverse number of positions, from park planning to wildlife protection to international development. take a look at some alumni profiles here.

now go hug a tree, forest nymph,


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