subject POST

what an intriguing proposition

First year question – is there a resource where I can input all the courses I want to take, and find out what POSt’s the majority of those courses fill?


hey there,

no, there isn’t. but who knows, maybe someone at the Faculty of Arts & Science will read this post and a lightbulb will appear over their head, cartoon style. but for now, no such tool exists.

in most cases, the department where you’re taking the most courses is probably the most likely candidate for the?subject POSt for you. for example, if you want to take a boatload of philosophy courses and not much else, you probably want to be in a philosophy specialist.

however, that’s not always true. some POSts – like immunology, for example, require a whole bunch of courses from different departments.

i think this is a case of putting the cart before the horse. the best way to go about choosing POSts – in my opinion – is to think long and hard about what interests you. then look for a POSt that will let you study those interests using the calendar.

if you’re feeling really lost, wait until you’ve taken some first year courses. figure out which courses you like best.?then go back to the course calendar and find a POSt (or POSts) that will let you take as many of those kinda of courses as possible. you don’t need to pick a POSt until after first year, so this is a totally legitimate way to go about it.

honestly, it can be kind of fun to peruse the course calendar and explore all the cool and quirky POSts out there. who knows, a bit of digging might even unearth an unknown passion.

gold panning

if you’re lucky, you may find a scintillating nugget of enjoyment among the dirt and sludge of university life!

good luck with navigating the arcane and outdated piece of HTML that is the calendar!



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