course conflicts,  subject POST

you’re gonna skip class so much even without course conflicts

Hi aska,

I am a first year undergraduate here at UTSG, and planning to major in immunology/microbiology. Since I got AP transfer credits, i’m currently enrolled in BIO230 for fall, and IMM250, BIO220, and MGY200 for winter. I’m just wondering that if ACORN (or, who or what ever would do this) hasn’t kick me out of the course by now, it means that I am eligible to take those 2nd-yr courses right?

Also, I really want to get into biomedical communication program, but that’s in UTM. Is there any way I can take HSC courses without internal transfer? Like summer school or? idk, anything else? I know there’s HMB304 and HMB404 in UTSG, but it is getting me nervous that the course isn’t offered this year.

Last question: is it a good idea to skip one MAT136 lecture a week in order to go to MGY200? I just don’t want to drop professor Lam’s class? Well, I took AP calculus but I’m still not sure will it become like super hard in 136.

Sorry for asking so much questions. Btw your website is awesome!! Thanks for helping us out all the time.

All the best,

A Freezing-Cold First-Year Student


hey there,

the official party line is that you can be removed from courses AT ANY TIME. and certainly, there are some departments (i won’t name them specifically) that only removed people from courses this week. so. you do want to be absolutely certain that you meet all the requirements for taking the course.

just in case, here are those requirements for the courses you listed:

BIO230Y1: you need to have taken (or have transfer credits for) BIO130 and CHM138+9/151 to be eligible for this course.

IMM250: they won’t kick you out of this course if you don’t have BIO120 or 130, but they do recommend you take them (or, again, have transfer credit).

BIO220: BIO120H1 (or equivalent transfer credit) is a prerequisite.

MGY200: BIO130H1 and BIO230H1 (or equivalent transfer credits) are both prerequisites.

you’re free to take HSC courses at UTM, either during summer or fall/winter, as long as you meet the prerequisites for those courses. you can’t add a subject POSt offered at UTM without transferring, so the biomedical communications POSt is out of the question unless you want to transfer.

you can find prerequisites for HSC courses here and figure out if you have the appropriate transfer credits here. you can also use transfer explorer to see if there are equivalent courses on the downtown campus, so you don’t have to go to UTM.

it is definitely not a good idea to skip a course on a regular basis that you will ALMOST CERTAINLY need for a subject POSt. like, MAYBE you’ll manage to pass both courses, but wouldn’t you rather actually do well in just one of them?

at the end of the day, it’s up to you, but skipping class on a regular basis is never something i would advise – no matter how smart you are. you’ll be tempted enough to skip anyway.

finally: you’re cold already? wait ’til we hit november, amigo. i’m still walking around in t-shirts.



P.S. glad you like the site. sometimes the constant weight of cliched, 20-year-old existential angst i feel about my impact on the world is momentarily alleviated by those comments. so. thx.

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