
big pharma(pplication)

Hi, I’m in my second year and taking CHM247, I don’t need the course for any of my majors / minors but it’s required for pharmacy school. Would I still be able to cr/ncr it even though the course is needed for grad school?

Thanks in advance


hey there,

i can’t find anything on the leslie dan website (i’m assuming you’re talking about leslie dan, and not any other pharmacy school) that says they need a specific mark for CHM247. however, they do require that you’ve taken the course, and usually professional schools won’t ask for a specific course if they don’t want to actually see how well you did.

also, the section on CGPA says that if “a student has opted for a CR/NCR, where a letter or percentage grade would normally be reported, the actual percentage or letter grade that is reported in the student record system will be calculated into the cumulative average.” so really, there’s almost no point in CR/NCR’ing it, unless you’re applying to other schools where the CR/NCR will hold, because they will see your actual mark anyway.

finally, while this isn’t a strict ban on credit/no-credit, i would take the warning seriously: the faculty says that “[a]ny failed/repeated subjects, grades below class averages, history of withdrawal, Credit designation, etc., may influence the final decision on the application.



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