subject POST

clear for another year

Due to some family issues during reading week, I’m really failing in my winter semester right now and I may be put on academic probation.

I’m in my first year and I’m supposed to apply for my subject post after 4.0 credits but what happens if I fail a course and only get 3.5 credits?

I want to repeat a course or two if I fail them and do them next fall semester. I just don’t know the process to enrolling in repeated courses.

If I have 3.5 credits does that mean I’m still a first year? Does that mean I don’t need to be in a subject Post?

I know I’m capable of doing much better so I’m going to try to redo my courses. Any help for this would be much appreciated.


hey there,

you got it. if you finish this term with 3.5 credits, then you’re still considered a first year and don’t have to sign up for a subject POSt(s). if you go above 4.0 credits in Fall/Winter 2016-2017 (or any subsequent Fall/Winter), you’ll have to sign up for a program(s) in Summer 2017 (or the following Summer in whatever year it happens to be), between April and September of 2017.



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