psychology,  subject POST

see you suckers!

Hi there,
I am in my first year and I was accepted into psychology at UTM. I am currently hating psychology and I’m wondering if since first year is a general year, can I drop it? If so, what would I have to do? Just go on ROSI and drop it?
Thank you in advance!


Hi Alicia,

You’ll be happy to know that if you haven’t officially selected a subject PoST on ROSI yet (which you can do at the end of your first year), then you’re not enrolled in any major at all! The program that you applied to on OUAC is just a designation for enrollment categories, but it doesn’t restrict you for taking other courses or choosing another major. What will restrict you is not fulfilling the requirements for the your new desired subject PosT. Instead of psych, do you have any idea of what other program you would like to do instead? Please look at the calendar’s requirement to apply for a subject PoST and consider things like first year courses and grade point averages. Your registrar will able to suggest new programs of interest and help you meet the requirements.

xoxo, Askastudent

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