
treasure hunt of recorders

Hello Askastudent,Sorry for bothering you with such a trivial question…I’d just like to know if there’s a Lost and Found office for Convocation Hall? …Sadly, I recently joined the team of students who lost their recorders at Con Hall. My class ended at 3:00pm last Friday; I went home without remembering to pick up my recorder next to the sound magnifier near the stage (It was my fault…I was too eager to go home…). I know the doors for Con Hall are locked for the weekend, but when I came early Monday morning to look for it, it was gone…Yeah…that’s pretty much it. I would really really appreciate it if you have any info on recovering lost items on campus.

Thanks a lot!!



Hey Betty,

We have all had those too eager to get places moments! I frequently … very frequently forget my phone. One time I was getting out of the car and thought I had forgotten my bottoms. I didn’t, but the fact that I considered I might have shows the level of confidence I have in myself not to forget things.


I would check with the prof first. I know a few of mine just collect them up … and probably sell them if no one claims them.

They actually have a whole building/website/probably just a room for lost goods on campus.

Here’s all the need to know.

cheerios and milk,


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