match the grading systems

I know you probably get this a lot but I have been pulling my hair trying to figure it out.I currently go to york university which is on a 9 point scale. See? I know how to convert my marks to a 4.0 scale, but how do I go about it when some are weighed at 6 credits, and some are weighed at 3 credits? I’m trying to see how much more upgrading I need to do and its difficult when everyone’s suggestions give me a different answer. I need to know the correct way that I bellieve OMSAS uses? to find the gpa.Thanks
Hey there Yorkshire,
It still blows my mind that universities haven’t created an academic fellowship and gotten onto the same grading system. But the steam out of my ears doesn’t really matter, so lets see what we can do in the conversion department … mmmmkay??I think I would suggest converting your system into percentages and then comparing that to the U of T scale.?I am going to make the assumption that your 3 credit will equal our 0.5 FCE (so a course that only runs for half of the academic year) and the 6 credit is equal to the 1.0 FCE (a course that runs throughout the entire academic year). So when calculating CGPA enter 0.5 grades in once and 1.0 in twice to get the weighing accurate.
Then take your CGPA and compare the percentage with the grade point value in the chart below and you should be fairly close.

Grading Scale

Percentage Letter Grade Grade Point Value* Grade Definition
90-100 A+ 4.0 Excellent: Strong evidence of original thinking; good organization; capacity to analyze and synthesize; superior grasp of subject matter with sound critical evaluations; evidence of extensive knowledge base.
85-89 A 4.0 Excellent
80-84 A- 3.7 Excellent
77-79 B+ 3.3 Good:? Evidence of grasp of subject matter; some evidence of critical capacity and analytic ability; reasonable understanding of relevant issues; evidence of familiarity with literature.
73-76 B 3.0 Good
70-72 B- 2.7 Good
67-69 C+ 2.3 Adequate:? Student who if profiting from his/her university experience; understanding of the subject matter; ability to develop solutions to simple problems in the material.
63-66 C 2.0 Adequate
60-62 C- 1.7 Adequate
57-59 D+ 1.3 Marginal:? Some evidence of familiarity with subject matter and some evidence that critical and analytic skills have been developed.
53-56 D 1.0 Marginal
50-52 D- 0.7 Marginal
0-49 F 0.0 Inadequate:? Little evidence of even superficial understanding of subject matter; weakness in critical and analytic skills; with limited or irrelevant use of literature.

* The grade point values above apply to marks earned in individual courses; grade point averages are weighted sums of the grade points earned and thus do not necessarily correspond exactly to the scale above.? For example, a B+ average would include grade point averages from 3.20 to 3.49, while the lowest B- average would be 2.50

love bugs and?sweet thoughts,


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