a different kind of probation problem

Dear Aska,

I am stuck in a situation that has me very depressed and confused, I just finished my 3rd year on Osap at Utsg New college, during fall term I took and passed 5 courses, but in winter term I took 4 courses but was only able to pass 2, Osap requires 3 credits by the end of 8 months while taking 1.5 credits each session, i seem to have fulfilled this requirement but i am very confused if I also have to pass 1.5 credit each session, I was placed on Osap probation during first year, and if I do not meet the satisfied academic progress requirement I could be suspended for my last year, which has got me very depressed 🙁 , Can you please clarify this situation for me.




Oh god. A money question. I can barely handle my own OSAP dealings…

It’s okay. I’ve got this.

Okay so no, you did not fulfill the 1.5 full credits per semester requirement as while you finished the first semester with 2.5 full credits you finished the second with only 1.0. Understand?

So yes. From all that you’ve told me, sounds like you’re going to end up on OSAP Suspension, but I would recommend talking to Enrollment Services to clarify everything. They’ll probably give you a run down on what it means and what you can possibly do to fix things.

But from what I heard from my OSAP Guy, here’s what I can advise you to do to appeal:

1) You can continue the letter thing you’ve probably had going on since your first probation, but also include some supporting documentation to explain WHY you did poorly in second semester (e.g. extenuating circumstances, sickness, blah blah blah).


2) You can continue the letter thing again and ALSO include a letter from an academic adviser explaining why you did poorly that second semester. This means you should probably make contact with your registrar asap.

However, if neither of these work and you have absolutely no way of paying, sadly, all I can tell you is take a year off and… well, work. Or apply for a ton of scholarships. Or work in the summer. Whatever works for you!



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