subject POST

from POSt to POSt

I want to change from Health studies to Sociology which is still under social sciences. Do i just have to change my Subject post? To add any other majors and minors that are not under social sciences, do i just change the subject post? Thanks.


hey there,

well, the process is different depending on what type of subject POSt you enrol in, but since the Sociology specialist, major and minor are all type 2L subject POSts, I’m going to talk about the process of enrolling in a 2L subject POSt.

so what you’ve gotta do is go into ROSI, enter the code related to your desired POSt, and request the POSt. then your status will be ‘requested’ for a long while – until decisions are made about who’s in the POSt and who’s not. that happens around late june/early july. at that point, your POSt status on ROSI will change from ‘requested’ to either ‘invited’ (an invitation which you can then accept) or ‘refused.’ you can take a look at the criteria they use to determine acceptance into the program here.

if you are refused, you may have a chance to apply again during the second request period, which is between july 2nd and august 31st.

also, if you want to get out of Health Studies, you’ll have to drop it on ROSI, same way you added it.

peace out,


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