course overload,  courses

socrates said ‘know thyself’ but what did he know amirite

is it a bad idea to take 5.5 credits next year (i’m going into second year)


hey there,

not necessarily. uoft doesn’t require that you get special permission to take more classes until you go over 6.0 FCEs, so obviously they don’t think it’s impossible.

now that you’re all grown-up and wipe your own nose and whatnot, you’ve gotta be the one who assesses how much you can handle. think about how many courses you took last year and how well you did. if you really struggled with 5.0 or less, doing more this year probably isn’t the brightest idea. on the other hand, if you really excelled, then you can probably do more.

it’s kinda like using a Q-tip; you’ve just gotta be able to feel when it’s the right time to stop.



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