subject POST,  UTM


Ok. So im currently enrolled in the forensics program at utm. My question is for forensic science specialties subject post prerequisites. Do I have to take physics before applying for forensic subject post or it can be done after first year. Plus if I change my mind and apply for other biology and chemistry related subject posts do- which classes are required in the first year for applying into the post. For example in comparative physiology program- what are the mandatory prereqs before applying in subject post. Besides bio, chem and math.
Thanks – I hope u understand my question.


hey there,

i understood your question; you’re basically asking me to read the course calendar for you and spoon-feed you the information. well. you can probably guess how i feel about that.

i’m not sure exactly which POSt you’re talking about. the Forensic Science (Science) POSt is only offered as a major, but it is also the only Forensic Science program which requires physics. you don’t have to do it in first year, but you do have to do it at some point, so you may as well.

the rest of the specialists require a certain number of ‘science credits’ which are either unspecified or don’t include physics. you can see all that on the course calendar.

for comparative physiology, “[s]tudents wishing to enrol at the end of the first year (4.0 credits) must obtain a grade of at least 65% in both CHM110H5 and CHM120H5 and a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.50 to qualify.” you should probably also complete BIO152, 153, MAT134/5/7, and 1.0 FCEs from either CLA201H5, ENV100Y5, ERS120H5, PHY136H5, PHY137H5, PSY100Y5, WRI203H5, or WRI307H5 in order to keep up with the pace of the program, though you don’t have to do it all in first year.

i hope that helps. i’ll give you a pass this time because you’re a first year who maybe doesn’t know about the calendar and the world is bigger and scarier than ever and life is rough for you right now – but please don’t ask me to do that again.




  • shah

    Sorry, if It was that bad, but my only concern was that: do I have to take all
    Require prereqs in first year because apparently some prereqs can be done
    After first year. That’s why! I hope you understand.
    Keep up the good work.

  • aska

    Ahh that’s okay man. Like I said, you get a pass in first year on these kinda things. So, prereqs to a subject POSt have to be completed before you enter the subject POSt. but if they’re not requirements, they can be completed after.

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