first year

don’t do this: part 2

welcome to PART 2 of aska’s inspiring series on what not to do at university in order not to embarrassing yourself and convince everyone that you are a super cool being. you can find PART 1 of my astounding, essential tips here.


5. DO NOT throw away your prof’s/TA’s e-mail address when they give it to you on the first class.

you’re gonna regret that one day, and sooner than you may think.

6. DO NOT not get a metropass.

if you’re a commuter student, you will almost certainly need a metropass. figure out what your commute will be like BEFORE school starts, and make sure to buy a metropass if it works out to be cheaper for you than using tokens (if you;’ll be commuting every day, it usually does).

7. DO NOT join extra-curriculars just because you think you should.

after slogging through government-prescribed stupidities meant to make you more academically successful (*cough cough* Civics and Careers *cough cough*)?for four years, you finally have the chance to completely tailor your life to your own interests.

take advantage of that by getting jobs, volunteering, joining clubs, and taking extra-curricular classes that you actually want to do. this is a huge university and an even bigger city, so you’re guaranteed to find something in it that you like.

8. classes start at 10 after the hour.

so if it says it starts at 9 on your timetable, it really starts at 9:10. 10 extra minutes of sleeping in! whoo!

9. DO NOT stress too much about all of this.

you only get one heart, you know. don’t destroy it with anxiety. and try to have a nice time every once in a while,?will ya?

best of luck with everything!


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