campus,  St. George

but in the long run, there’s still time to change the road you’re on

Hi, I’m going to be a first-year student in the fall and I just selected my
courses. As is, twice a week I need to go from Con Hall to Bader Theatre in 10
Is this possible without running?

So this time askastudent really deserves a pat on the back. In a bold move, team aska decided to hit the traitorous road many students are so anxious about (seriously, you’re not the only one). So we embarked on this little Odyssey (actually two little Odysseys) to help you figure out the best way to get from class to class. Just note that we were strolling at a very moderate pace, stopping occasionally to enjoy the view and take notes. Plus, askastudent took the most legal, non-shortcut route (this is, after all, an educational site), so you can do it faster (potential shortcuts and J-walk opportunities are mentioned). All that said, aska’s conclusion is: it’s doable. Even without sneakers/cross-country skis. Enjoy!

Route 1(red): Queen’s Park

0:00 ?? We start at the doors of Con Hall

walk east along MedSci below front campus

follow left-curving sidewalk past Gerstein

possible shortcut: cut a diagonal across Front Campus

2:45??????????? intersection between UC and Gerstein

Go north-east diagonally behind UTSU office

3:05??? pass chubby Goth chick

3:50??????????? distraction! nasty, phallic cannons from Fort Louisbourg

4:43??????????? distraction! Vincent Massey 1887-1967 memorial plaque (donated Hart House, and is unrelated to Massey Hall. What a disappointment) walk up and to the left 15 steps at Hart House

5:17??? walk up 2 more steps to reach Queen’s Park Ave.

*J-Walk opportunity: cross avenue to Queen’s Park (risky)

turn left (North)

6:40??? cross at Traffic Light #1

6:53??? turn right and cross at Traffic Light #2 to Queen’s Park

*we were lucky, it usually takes 30 seconds

7:10??????????? CHOICE: fork in road

-left is quieter, cleaner and longer

-right is busier, more treacherous and quicker

-follow right path

7:44??????????? DANGER: path gets muddy, pedestrian traffic bottlenecks to one side (I don’t even want to think about winter…)

8:10??? stay straight, passing over intersecting path

8:37??? merge left onto concrete path

DANGER: path shared with bikers

9:16??? cross at Traffic Light #3

PUSH BUTTON (responds in 30 seconds)

Steer clear of approaching skuzzy man

*J-Walk opportunity: disregard traffic light and cross (like the dirty man); watch traffic

from right

9:55??? Walk straight (north-east) toward Victoria College

10:39??????????? CHOICE:

-ramp on left: beware of strollers, those mamas will show you no mercy

-6 steps on right

walk up steps

proceed up 13 more steps

turn left

quick right along west side of Vic

11:15??????????? ascend 9 steps

11:55 arrive at double-doors of Isabel Bader Theatre

Route 2 (blue): Museum

0:00 ?? exit through green Con Hall side doors facing North

*shortcut: cut a diagonal across Front Campus, pass through archway beside Hart House (hmmm… on the map it doesn’t seem like that much of a shortcut)

Walk north toward UC greenspace

2:52??? turn right onto path between UC and back-campus

4:17??? turn left on sidewalk before parking spaces

5:37??????????? distraction! Shirtless man awkwardly jumping on grass

5:42??? cross at Traffic Light #1

*J-Walking opportunity: cross street

6:07??? turn right onto sidewalk in front of Trinity College

7:00??????????? CHOICE:

a) walk straight on Hoskin, turn left onto Queen’s Park Ave.

b) turn left onto Philosopher’s Walk

-turn left

9:27??? turn right into alley beside ROM

10:22??????????? OBSTACLE: truck depositing dumpster; stinky, plus, the whole deal is pretty dark and scary

-walk to end of alley

10:42? walk up 9 steps to Avenue Rd.

turn right

11:05? turn left to enter Museum Station

Descend 24 steps

11:19? turn right at base of stairs

11:22??????????? OBSTACLE: pack of screaming school children

Avoid colliding with woman, we lost a cool 2 seconds because of that one

Pass kiosk

Distraction! Newspaper headlines, probably something about Michael Phelps

turn left up stairs

Ascend 24 steps

12:02? turn right onto Charles St.

12:48? turn right at Isabel Bader Theatre

Ascend 3 steps

Arrive at double-doors


  • Sarah

    I had a whole year of travelling from Isabel Bader Theatre to Con Hall… I would take the subway and if I got on the first train I would not have to run, but if i missed the first and had to take the second, running/ speed walking was inevitable… bare in mind, I am fairly slow. Either way, I usually made it on time. As the year went on and I got lazier, I was usually five or ten minutes late (especially when I stopped to get coffee on the way), but it sort of depends on whether or not the professor posts lectures and if you can miss a few minutes. The only trouble is I went from Isabel Bader to Con Hall, and there were always seats in Con Hall in the balcony so I always got a seat and did not disturb anyone… At Isabel Bader, you might not get a seat and may have to sit at on the stairs in the back-top of the balcony… but if you don’t mind then you can probably do it… And you can test it out for the first week or two to see if it is something you want to do and you can always change your mind

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