• campus,  distribution,  grades

    the latest scoop on grade deflation

    Hello! I’m a grade 12 student who has applied to two programs at UofT: Life Sciences at St. George, and Physical and Mathematical Sciences at UofT Scarborough. I’ve heard a lot about grade deflation at the undergrad level at St. George, but not so much about the other campuses. Is it still present at Scarborough and Mississauga? Thank you!

    hey there,

    great question.

    i go to the st. george campus, and in my experience, grade deflation is a pretty common occurrence here. however, i believe it happens across all campuses, since it seems to stem from U of T’s institutional grading policies and not from individual professors or TAs.

    although i’ve never taken any courses at UTSC, i did take one course at UTM in which the grades were clearly deflated. and if i had to throw out a super rough estimate, i’d say maybe 20% of the courses i’ve ever taken were impacted by grade deflation.

    that being said, personal anecdotes can only tell you so much, so i won’t say too much about the details of the grade deflation i’ve experienced in my courses. instead, if you wanted a more detailed analysis, i’d recommend checking out some articles written by the varsity (U of T’s student paper)! i’ll link them here:

    these articles argue that the grade deflation at U of T is an institutional problem. essentially, there’s a whole handbook for instructors in the faculty of arts and sciences that outlines rules about how they give out grades. as the varsity suggests, this tells us that the source of the deflation does not lie with individual course instructors.

    Oh My God Omg GIF by PeacockTV

    for example, the guidelines say that for first and second-year courses, only 15-35% of the students should get A’s. meanwhile, the proportion of F’s in a first or second-year course should not be more than 10%. if not, the course should undergo review and make sure grades were given out fairly.

    interestingly, these guidelines are mainly meant to apply to first and second year courses, since U of T knows that grades matter the most for grad school when you’re in third and fourth year. so if this is something you’re worried about, it seems like grade deflation might not be as pronounced in upper year classes.

    anyways, to directly answer your question, i spent some time looking into the UTSC academic handbook, UTM handbook, and the UTSG handbook, and i found that the guidelines on grade distribution are consistent across all three campuses. if these guidelines really do enable certain instructors to keep deflating student’s grades, then there should theoretically be not much difference across campuses in rates of grade deflation. the only noteworthy difference is that the UTM handbook explicitly mentions that these guidelines are not mandatory, and course marks are not required to fit into pre-defined grade distributions.

    overall, the data on grade deflation is super murky and there’s not a clear answer. my take is that grade deflation is definitely present across all three campuses, but whether it happens at similar rates is anyone’s guess.

    season 3 idk GIF

    i also think that if you’re trying to choose between which campus to attend, there are plenty of other factors to weigh. i’d recommend you check out this article on what makes each campus unique, and also look into the different opportunities at each campus for your specific programs!

    and finally, please don’t let this get you down or make you too scared about coming to U of T. if you’re coming to UTSG for life sciences, i can tell you that none of the first year life sci courses i took were affected by grade deflation. while i know it’s widespread across different departments, in my personal experience, mainly social science courses have been the issue. all hope is not lost and it’s still possible to do well!

    best of luck and hope this helps!

    over and out,


  • admissions,  applying for U of T,  campus,  psychology


    Hello, I am interested in applying to the Department of Psychology at the University of Toronto. I would like to know which campus offers the best program for that. Additionally, I would like to inquire if it is possible to apply for admission immediately after completing Grade 11, with the potential for a conditional offer based on an average score above 95% in Grade 11 (through Tvo ILC), without having started Grade 12. And what will be the admission steps?

    hey there,

    1. which campus is best

    first of all, great question. it can be really hard to choose which uni and campus to attend, because that’s where you’ll live your life for the next four+ years. when i was at that stage, i felt a lot like this:

    i can tell you that psychology at U of T is going to be really good no matter which campus you choose. but if you wanted to know which one was best for that program, it really depends on what you’re looking for.

    st. george is the biggest campus and it’s downtown. so that will mean it has more research opportunities in more areas, because of how connected the st. george campus is. like, there are a lot of U of T affiliated companies in different sectors that will take U of T undergrads looking for experience. the psychology has a great page where you can check out research opportunities here.

    as for the other two campuses, i don’t know much about UTM, but UTSC in scarborough is known for being the co-op campus. so if you’re looking for co-op opportunities, that’s the place to be. for example, at UTSC you can take the co-op program in psychology, which is a work integrated program that combines your studies with paid work. this can also be great if you want to earn some money while being a student.

    i’d say both co-op opportunities and research opportunities are really important for psychology because it’s difficult to get job experience as an undergrad when you’re a psychology student. so it just depends on what you prefer.

    meanwhile, you should also choose the campus based on its environment and how it would work for you, as each campus has different pros and cons. like, do you want to live in the downtown core? do you want to live in a smaller campus? do you like nature? noise? etc.

    if you’re curious, you can check out this page that goes over what makes each campus unique.

    I Dont Know What To Do GIF by Britannia

    2. can you apply for admission now?

    Celebrity gif. TV personality RuPaul holds a tall toy cheeseburger and says "well..." while curling his mouth into a sardonic smile. Text, "Well..."

    so unfortunately, it is not possible to apply for admission immediately after completing grade 11. this is because you need to be at least enrolled in grade 12 courses before you can be considered for admission.

    according to the admission dates page, the early application date is november 7 while the deadline is january 15. so you’ll have to wait for the fall of your senior year to apply, around late september or october. you can apply for early admissions even if your grade 12 marks are not out yet, but you do need to be in grade 12. there’s not really a way around that.

    finally, if you’re still undecided on which campus to choose, i’d encourage you to reach out to a recruitment officer, as they can probably tell you more psychology-specific things about each campus and help you make your decision.

    anyways, hope this was helpful, good luck!!

    over and out,


  • campus,  choosing,  competition,  courses

    day 47389 of asking you to be more specific

    What courses do you think are the least to highest in competitiveness. And also what campus do you think are the least to highest in competitiveness.

    hey there,

    well, as you can see on the U of T course timetable, there are almost 8000 courses offered during the fall/winter school year across all its undergrad faculties.

    you want to know which of these are the least to highest in competitiveness? have i got a list for you, ranked highest to lowest in competition:

    1. ANT192 murder and other deathly crimes
    2. CRI480 interpersonal violence
    3. ECO316 applied game theory
    4. ECO380 markets, competition, and strategy
    5. STA475 survival analysis
    6. BMS411 squid game and the media
    7. PCJ260 intro to peace, conflict, and justice
    8. CSE270 community dis/engagement and solidarity
    9. PSY336 positive psychology
    10. CHE334 team strategies for engineering design

    wait maybe applied game theory should be number one, cause that’s crazy. do they apply? game theory? in class? against each other? for grades? who cares about deathly crimes (aka emotional warfare) when you’ve got grades on the line.

    Joking Just Kidding GIF

    ok don’t take anything i just said seriously. i’ve just been emotionally scarred by some classmates.

    jokes aside, realistically, there is no way of saying which of the 8000 courses are highest and lowest in competitiveness without taking all of them or having some sort of crazed opinion-based database. unfortunately, the closest U of T students have ever come to making one of those was the anti-calendar, which mysteriously died out sometime in 2011.

    the only actual general knowledge on competitiveness at U of T is that the rotman business programs are definitely every-man-for-himself. i know several people in rotman, and not only is it super difficult to get good grades there, you have to be extensively involved in extra-curricular programming and clubs. the vibe is that there’s a lot of fake sucking-up and networking in those circles. i heard they do peer evaluations after some group projects, where they have to prepare an argument to present to their prof as to why they should get higher grades than their group members who “did less work”. brutal, i tell ya.

    Romantic Comedy Drink GIF by filmeditor

    so as you’ll probably guess, competition also depends on the size of your program. i think with really popular programs that have limited enrolment, you would encounter more competition in class rather than in open enrolment programs. some of the smaller programs also have more tight-knit communities, where everyone is more welcoming and kind to each other. i’d say this is definitely the case with niche social science programs.

    from past research, i’ve heard entry into the computer science program is really competitive, though i’m not sure how it is after you get in. and, i took some political science adjacent courses and those were pretty competitive compared to life sci courses i’ve taken. in poli sci/public policy/peace conflict and justice courses, i guess you’ve just got a concentration of people who want to be world leaders or politicians, so you get the vibe.

    Will Smith Kayla Samuels GIF

    honestly, it would be a lot to give my opinion on every single one of the 700 programs U of T offers, so maybe give me a shortlist of ones that you’re curious about instead?

    as for competition across the three U of T campuses, i can actually tell you about that because i can actually count the number on one hand :D!

    based on what i’ve heard from people who have taken classes in all three campuses, UTM (mississauga) is the most competitive, UTSG (st. george) is in the middle, and UTSC (scarborough) is the least competitive. however, that’s not to say every single UTM course is competitive, i think it just depends what your specific program would be.

    anyhoo, hope this somewhat answered your questions? if not, i hope you enjoyed my yap session.

    and if you really want an answer, don’t hesitate to shoot another, more specific, question!

    over and out,


  • admissions,  campus,  hard

    we love utsg

    Is there a difference between applying to different campuses at UOFT? (Like applying to St. George is harder to get in or Mississauga is easier) truth be told, I’m only interested in St. George campus

    hey there,

    good question.

    yes, i think there is a difference between applying to different U of T campuses. there is no official info on this, but from what i’ve heard, the st. george campus is harder to get into compared to the mississauga and scarborough campuses. i say this because i know some people who were admitted to UTM or UTSC but were rejected from UTSG.

    i would try to compare the admission averages among the three campuses, but i can only find the utm admission average, which is 75%. so take from that what you will.

    Cartoon gif. Jake the dog from Adventure Time on Cartoon Network blinks its large white eyes, raising its skinny yellow arms into a shrug.

    ultimately though, it depends on what program you’re applying to. maybe the st. george campus is harder to get into because it has programs that have a higher volume of applicants? as in — most people are like you and only interested in the UTSG campus. also, some programs are only offered at the st. george campus, which might play into it.

    but don’t be discouraged from applying to UTSG. i think the st. george campus is so beautiful and a great place to spend your undergrad years at. (if you’re interested, find out what makes each campus unique here). it may be a bit harder to get into, but this is just a word-of-mouth thing and again, i don’t have any statistics to back up my facts with.

    however, i can back you up. you’ve got this! WOOO! yeahhh!

    TV gif. Clip of Rainn Wilson as Dwight in "The Office" wearing an "Over the Hill" party hat and blowing on a noisemaker, giving a somewhat unsettling and overenthusiastic smile while holding a chocolate cupcake with a single unlit candle. Suddenly, Ed Helms as Andy bursts into frame, peeling around an open door with a big cheesy smile on his face.

    anyways, good luck with your application, hope to see you here.

    over and out,


  • campus,  first year,  UTM

    the BAchelor


    I am in my first year and I am deciding what my major and minor is going to be. I know I want to major in Eng and minor in Soc. However, I want to take courses in Mississauga because I live closer. I can’t find rules or regulations that can help guide me on choosing my course.

    And can I take a minor in Mississauga campus? The minor is only offered in Mississauga (however a similar minor is offered in St. George). I would like to take the minor Education Studies in Mississauga. But I don’t know if I am allowed.

    And if I wanted to change my campus from St George to Mississauga how would I go about that? Is there a certain link that I can apply through?



    you are allowed to take courses at another campus and have them count towards your POSt (program of study). however, you can’t take a minor that is only offered at UTM; your POSts must be at your home campus (in your case, st. george).

    to take a course at UTM, all you need to do is add it on ACORN during the course enrollment period, just as you would for any other normal course. just make sure that you have all the prerequisites and enrollment controls. take a look at the faculty calendar for more info.

    to make sure that the courses you wanna take will count towards your majors/ minors, you should take a look at the transfer explorer. it’s a really nifty tool that allows you to see what the equivalents are at st. george. it’s also probably a good idea to speak with someone from the department(s) involved to make sure that those credits will actually transfer and that they will accept them. so, for example, if you wanted to take an english course at utm, you should get in contact with someone from st. george’s english department to make sure that they’ll accept it in their program.

    colton underwood GIF by The Bachelor

    (but like, the rose is the course)

    in terms of the education studies minor, as i said earlier, your POSts must be at your home campus. so, if you decide to stay at st. george, i suggest that you take a look at the education and society minor that they offer at vic (i think that’s what you’re referring to in your question).

    if you wanted to switch campuses, that’s called an internal transfer. you can check out this link for more info. i also suggest talking to someone at your registrar’s office about your internal transfer (should you decide to go that route).

    i hope this helps! good luck!



  • campus,  clubs,  extracurricular,  international relations,  polisci,  residence,  St. George,  student groups,  Toronto,  UTSU

    long time reader, first time asker

    Hello Aska!

    First – You are utterly brilliant!
    I will be applying to UofT this fall, and scrolling through your blog has
    saved me many a panic attack! Within this wall of flesh, there is a soul
    that counts thee its creditor.

    P.S. I went through the tags before writing this (true fan here) so don’t
    worry – this doesn’t have ‘another college question’…..(or does it…..?).

    1. Oh all seeing eye, how do you know everything that’s happening at UofT’s
    massive campus? What are some of the best ways to keep on top of student
    events, displays, Disney serenades, aska fan-fests, food trucks etc? (Most
    importantly – food trucks!).

    2. Slightly beyond UofT – which are the best natural sites to explore in
    and around Toronto – hikes, trails, hidden Narnias perhaps?

    3. Innis is one of the only apartment style residences on campus, and as
    far as I can see this style of residence (and Innis in general) seems
    perfect. But, as an Innis insider, what are some of the disadvantages of
    apartment style living?

    4. I have been looking through the PolSci and International Relations
    department pages, and although I found a massive list of internships
    offered to PolSci students, I could not find a similar list for
    International Relations. Does PolSci generally have more available
    internship and exchange opportunities in general?

    Finally, I feel like I am compelled by tradition to put this question here,
    if only as a symbol:
    ‘Innis or UC?”

    May the odds and even be ever in your favor.



    thank you so much! i am always humbled and delighted to meet a fan like yourself.

    since you’ve asked me a five-part question, here’s a five-part answer:

    1. first, you could check out the student life website. they have a lot of stuff on events, displays, clubs, anything you may desire! if that isn’t enough, you can also check on facebook- lots of clubs and societies post when they’re hosting events (and whether or not there’ll be free food). you could also check out hart house (they always have a bunch of stuff going on), the utsu (university of toronto student’s union), your college’s student society, and the clubs fair during orientation week.
    2. there’s lots of nature-y stuff to do in and around toronto. so much so, that i’ll just redirect you to this. in all seriousness though, there are a lot of places to go hiking in toronto, check out this article.
    3. it all has to do with your personal preferences. however, you’ll have to think a lot about things like food (innis doesn’t have a dining hall, but you could still get a meal plan) and cleaning (you’ll have to look after a kitchen and a bathroom and a common area AS WELL AS your own room).
    4. i don’t know if there are MORE internships for polisci students as opposed to international relations students… it just looks like the IR department’s student experience page hasn’t been updated as recently as the polisci department’s. you could get in contact with the IR department and they’d probably have way more information than me, a humble not-IR student.
    5. innis or uc?





  • astronomy and astrophysics,  campus,  GPA,  internal transfer,  St. George,  subject POST,  Transferring,  UTSC

    please be the new neil degrasse tyson

    I am a first year student currently majoring in the Physics and Astrophysics program at UTSC and was wondering what GPA I should strive for in order to be admitted into UTSG. I know that competitive programs tend to require 3.7 – 4.0 GPA’s, but I’m assuming competitive means engineering rather than physics.

    Also, do you know the deadline for internal transferring? I can’t seem to find it anywhere. I’m assuming that it’s sometime after, or maybe during, the winter semester since that’s when the latter half of my physics related courses are.

    Thank you for your help


    hello hello!

    so first of all, we don’t actually have a physics and astrophysics program at the st. george campus so it would mean for you to find a similar subject POSt, like astronomy and astrophysics.

    there isn’t really a GPA range posted anywhere in regards to astronomy and astrophysics specifically, but i’ve been told by admin that the grade that we were accepting last year was B+~ A- (3.3-3.7) for internal transfers, but these averages do change from year to year, so keep that in mind. if you want something more accurate/ updated, you could always contact enrolment services directly!

    in terms of evaluating your GPA, they would be looking at your CGPA as well as your most recent annual GPA.

    when it comes time to apply, go see your registrar’s office to make sure you’re on track for your transfer. once that’s all settled, you’ll have to complete an online application right here.

    the next deadline for an internal transfer to UTSG is january 13th 2017 for a september 2017 start date.

    it will ultimately be up to you to decide whether you want to major, minor, or specialize in astronomy and astrophysics, but since astronomy and astrophysics subject POSt’s are all part of type 1, you can apply following the completion of 4.0 FCE’s.

    best of luck! i hope you get in and become the new neil degrasse tyson.


    peace and love,



  • campus,  internal transfer,  rules,  St. George,  Transferring,  UTSC

    sticky situation


    So I originally enrolled at UTSC because I had missed the application
    deadline for SG. I decided to start in Scarborough and brave the commute (I
    live downtown) for a year to hopefully try for an internal transfer later.
    I dilly-dallied and decided I enjoyed Scarborough bc of a course offered
    (IDS) but then started to hate the commute and now want to return to my
    original idea of transferring.

    My question is about courses at another campus:
    I have the intention of transferring (again missed the deadline last year
    BC I thought I liked Scarborough) so ideally I would like to gather
    downtown courses this year so i can transfer in my third year.
    So. I currently have 3 utsc FCE’s (from 2015/2016) and took 1 FCE this
    summer at SG. As of this fall, I enrolled in 2 more FCE’s on the st.george
    campus, but have a sneaking suspicion that I am in violation of the rules
    for taking courses at another campus.

    On the office of the registrar website it states:
    “Courses at UTM or St. George
    You can take a maximum of 5.0 credits at another U of T campus (or 1.0
    credit if you have completed fewer than 4.0 credits) as a UTSC student.”
    I SWEAR I had spoken with a councilor who said I could only take 1 FCE in
    the first year only. NOT that I needed to also complete at least 4.0 FCE at
    utsc. What is your understanding of this rule? Can I appeal? I am enjoying
    my courses and do not want to be removed.



    you, my friend, are in a sticky situation! i honestly wasn’t sure if i should answer this question because i thought you would be removed from your courses by now, but since i haven’t heard anything about you being removed, i’m going to assume you’re still in your st. george courses.

    you are, indeed, in violation of a rule at U of T, but at the same time, getting kicked out of your courses this far in would suck.


    first, go back to your counsellor and be all, “yo wut?”

    okay, but seriously.

    in regards to your inquiry, i called the utsc registrar’s office and asked what they thought about your situation. based on what they told me, it seems like you have two options.

    first, (10/10 would recommend) you can call admissions at st. george to let them know about your intentions to transfer. in this scenario, you would probably have to tell them the number of FCE’s you have completed at scarborough and st. george. they may even subsequently remove you from your courses if they ask for your student number.

    on the other hand, it is also possible that they may make an exception for you if they know you’re thinking of transferring to st. george eventually. you’ll still have to wait until the next deadline (january 13th),  of course, but you may be able to keep the courses you’re in. you could definitely mention that you heard from your counsellor that it would be okay. i can’t guarantee that you’ll see this outcome, but you never know until you call!

    your second option, (1/10 would not recommend) is to not call at all. the course-remover people will eventually do their rounds and remove you from your st. george courses. after that, if you want to argue this, you’ll have to open up communication with the university and explain why you broke the rules. i can’t speak on behalf of the course-removing people, but if i were in their shoes, i would be less forgiving if it seems like you knowingly broke the rule and didn’t seek out any guidance or resources.

    if i were you, i would call admissions to see what they can do for you. you may be surprised at what they have to say. if they end up removing you from courses because you called, that blows, but remember, it would’ve happened sooner or later.


    just be honest and come clean about your intentions instead of living in fear!

    i hope you do the right thing.




  • campus,  commerce,  rotman,  UTM

    the ultimate showdown

    Is Utm commerce inferior to Rotman commerce? What are the significant differences?



    i’m going to present you with all the relevant information so that you can make your own informed opinion about the two programs. since i’m not in commerce, i don’t actually have my own opinion, and even if i did think one was better, i can’t actually tell you because i’d have some very angry people dressed in suits knocking on my door.

    Suits hell tv reaction usa

    that being said, i’m going to lowkey paraphrase an aska post from 2 years ago because they gave great info. don’t worry, this is not me throwing subtle shade at you for not looking through old posts. it took some digging to find!

    the main difference between UTM commerce and Rotman commerce are in the requirements needed. Rotman’s requirements can be found here and UTM requirements can be found here. if you are thinking of applying after first year, you’ll see a difference in the minimum grade requirements. you can take a look at both of them and see which one seems better suited for you.

    do keep in mind that if you are accepted to Rotman, you will not be able to take any RSM classes at UTM or at UTSC.

    the main takeaway of this post is: Rotman has a reputation that can’t be ignored; it is no doubt one of the best undergraduate business programs in canada. that being said, UTM is definitely part of this reputation, considering the fact that it is a branch of one of the best universities in canada. at any rate, whichever one you choose, you’ll get an excellent education, just because it’s still at U of T.

    i would highly recommend that you try to reach out to both schools for more information. a cool thing about Rotman is that they have student ambassadors who would be happy to connect with you and tell you more! for UTM, i would recommend that you direct your general inquiries to the department of management, which you can find here. you might also find it worthwhile to check out both campuses to see which one you like more! U of T campus tours are a great place to start.

    i wish you all the best in your commercial endeavours!



  • alcohol,  campus,  partying

    staying safe is staying great

    I have three night classes at uoft psych, women and gender and anthropology… I’m a little worried walking from the buildings to the subway when it gets dark being a tiny female… Is there any tips to stay safe? And is it pretty busy at night?



    i’m no overenthusiastic women’s self-defense coach from a 90s sitcom, but as a veteran commuter, i do have a few tips that have worked out well for me:

    1. when you’re walking, be present.

    be aware of your surroundings when you walk. if you’re staring down at the ground and shuffling along, you’ll be less aware, which is unsafe. walk like you could eat a bear at the slightest provocation. walk like you’ve killed a man with your thumb. walk like a murderess.

    2. walk with a friend.

    if you’re leaving an evening class, chances are there will be other people heading to the subway station like you. meet a couple of them and walk together. it may even blossom into a friendship – even if it doesn’t, you won’t have to walk with them for more than ten minutes.

    3. if you have to walk alone but you feel very uncomfortable with it, consider using walksmart. this is campus police’s service which allows students to request patrollers to walk with you wherever you need to go on campus.

    4. try and stay in well-lit areas.

    Queen’s Park tends to get a bit dodgy at night, but ever since they put up lights, it’s been a lot less daunting to cross. most other places on campus are well-lit, but if you can avoid going into an unlit field or back alley, then do that.

    5. familiarize yourself with the emergency phones and where they are located on campus.

    6. put campus police’s emergency and non-emergency numbers into your phone, so you can call them quickly should you ever need to.

    7. get to know the campus.

    as well as generally needing to know where you’re going so you can get to class and lunch and your casual origami club meetings, being confident in where you’re going will help you look and feel more confident when you’re walking around campus at night, too.

    8. don’t do stupid s#!t.

    this may seem obvious to you, but bad things tend to happen when you do bad things. not doing bad things will keep you a lot safer in most situations.

    firstly, and above all, you should NOT DRINK UNDERAGE. I DON’T CARE IF YOUR FRIENDS ARE DOING IT. DON’T DO IT. you think you can handle the alcohol – you can’t. you’re not going to look cool. you’re going to look very, very dumb. trust me.

    however, if you must drink (which you shouldn’t):

    DO go dancing/drinking/partying with friends you trust not to abandon you, vomiting, on the side of the road.

    DO have emergency numbers in your phone, as per #6.

    DO NOT get blackout drunk in an anonymous location in the city. know where you are at all times. don’t drink past your limit.

    DO NOT mix drinks – it’s dangerous because you could underestimate how much alcohol you’ve ingested, since different drinks have different alcohol content.

    finally: i know it might seem a little counterproductive to say this after giving all those tips, but don’t be super worried. the campus is safe. as long as you exercise reasonable caution, and especially if you do everything i listed, you can consider yourself safe and secure on campus.



    P.S. i know the title doesn’t rhyme. shut up. art doesn’t have to rhyme.

  • campus,  maps


    I have a question about back to back courses. I have psych at 11 (it’s one hour for that day)and then a first year foundations at 12. Is it horribly hard to sprint across campus in like 1 second….


    hey there,

    i guess it depends on what you mean by ‘across campus.’ most buildings are within 10 minutes of each other, but if you’re trying to get from, say…isabel bader to earth sciences in ten minutes, you may have to book it.

    fortunately, university lectures are not like high school classes. in the unlikely event that you need to dip out from your psych class five minutes early to get to your college one class, no one’s going to chew you out about it. (unless you’ve got an especially crabby professor).

    also, if you’re going to be near the city in the summer, i would highly recommend practising your route between classes. once the timetable is updated with lecture locations, use the uoft map to figure out where all your classes will be. then get on campus and trace your steps. the surer you are about where you’re going, the faster you’ll go.

    or you could just hire a runner to carry you on their back.



  • campus

    a tour of the uoft tours

    Hi aska I signed up for one of those student tours where you get put into a group with a student leader at U of t and you get to meet with a recruitment officer as well. Could you give me a rundown of what that whole thing is like?


    hey there,

    it’s pretty much like any other kind of tour. you know, bit of history about each building you visit, and some highlights of the infinite cool services and programs that different departments and colleges offer.

    i know for sure, for example, that robarts library is a stop on the tour. also, there will be a focus on undergrad opportunities, so if you’re going into first year, the tour will be ideal for you.

    (they probably won’t stop at my personal favourite service, the starbucks inside of robarts, so here’s a shout-out to the folks over there from yours truly. you guys do great work.)

    my top tip would be to come with some questions prepared. tours are a great opportunity to ask questions, and because the tour guides are uoft students, they likely have personal and in-depth knowledge of a lot of the places they’ll be talking about.

    also, if questions occur to you as the tour is happening, don’t be shy to ask those, either.

    talking to a recruitment officer is something i did not know they did, but i think it’s a fabulous idea. all your sort of nit-picky admissions questions would be great to ask the recruitment officer. also, take notes! you likely will not remember everything they throw at you on the tour.

    the tour will be 1.5 hours long, so wear comfy shoes.

    also, the residences run their own tours of rez, so if you want to see that, you’ll have to book a separate tour.

    that’s the rundown! i hope you enjoy your tour. make sure to say hi to the second cup folks for me.



  • campus,  stress

    i wish i could bake a cake made out of rainbows and smiles

    I have a good three hours between some of my classes this year so I’m wondering where are some good, quiet places to let it all out at U of T. Preferably near the sciences (Queen’s Park, St. George) and with some nice comfy seats but I’ll settle for stairs…not like the ones at Sidney Smith though, I almost got trampled last year.

    Thank you,



    If you need to cry-cry, like wet-faced, snotty-nosed sort of crying because you’re like depressed and stuff, you can always head over to CAPS at the Koffler Centre.

    But if you just need a small secret place to let out all your feelings, my personal picks are

    • Queen’s Park. There are lots of crazies there. At least if you get seen crying in the middle of the day, then you’ll blend in.
    • One of the third floor balconies of Con Hall. Yes, this is mildly creepy, but as long as there’s no class going on, I’m pretty sure you’ll have the little space to yourself.
    • The park behind University of Toronto School, just north of Sussex and Huron. Just sit on the hill and cry. Not quite the “comfy seat” you’re looking for but it can suffice. Hills are lovely.
    • An abandoned classroom of UC. Not only will you get privacy in that no one will be around, but people will probably think you’re some kind of wailing ghost haunting UC and run the other way.
    • The staircases of SidSmith (if you’re willing to settle for a staircase).

    happy screeching,