• campus,  distribution,  grades

    the latest scoop on grade deflation

    Hello! I’m a grade 12 student who has applied to two programs at UofT: Life Sciences at St. George, and Physical and Mathematical Sciences at UofT Scarborough. I’ve heard a lot about grade deflation at the undergrad level at St. George, but not so much about the other campuses. Is it still present at Scarborough and Mississauga? Thank you!

    hey there,

    great question.

    i go to the st. george campus, and in my experience, grade deflation is a pretty common occurrence here. however, i believe it happens across all campuses, since it seems to stem from U of T’s institutional grading policies and not from individual professors or TAs.

    although i’ve never taken any courses at UTSC, i did take one course at UTM in which the grades were clearly deflated. and if i had to throw out a super rough estimate, i’d say maybe 20% of the courses i’ve ever taken were impacted by grade deflation.

    that being said, personal anecdotes can only tell you so much, so i won’t say too much about the details of the grade deflation i’ve experienced in my courses. instead, if you wanted a more detailed analysis, i’d recommend checking out some articles written by the varsity (U of T’s student paper)! i’ll link them here:

    these articles argue that the grade deflation at U of T is an institutional problem. essentially, there’s a whole handbook for instructors in the faculty of arts and sciences that outlines rules about how they give out grades. as the varsity suggests, this tells us that the source of the deflation does not lie with individual course instructors.

    Oh My God Omg GIF by PeacockTV

    for example, the guidelines say that for first and second-year courses, only 15-35% of the students should get A’s. meanwhile, the proportion of F’s in a first or second-year course should not be more than 10%. if not, the course should undergo review and make sure grades were given out fairly.

    interestingly, these guidelines are mainly meant to apply to first and second year courses, since U of T knows that grades matter the most for grad school when you’re in third and fourth year. so if this is something you’re worried about, it seems like grade deflation might not be as pronounced in upper year classes.

    anyways, to directly answer your question, i spent some time looking into the UTSC academic handbook, UTM handbook, and the UTSG handbook, and i found that the guidelines on grade distribution are consistent across all three campuses. if these guidelines really do enable certain instructors to keep deflating student’s grades, then there should theoretically be not much difference across campuses in rates of grade deflation. the only noteworthy difference is that the UTM handbook explicitly mentions that these guidelines are not mandatory, and course marks are not required to fit into pre-defined grade distributions.

    overall, the data on grade deflation is super murky and there’s not a clear answer. my take is that grade deflation is definitely present across all three campuses, but whether it happens at similar rates is anyone’s guess.

    season 3 idk GIF

    i also think that if you’re trying to choose between which campus to attend, there are plenty of other factors to weigh. i’d recommend you check out this article on what makes each campus unique, and also look into the different opportunities at each campus for your specific programs!

    and finally, please don’t let this get you down or make you too scared about coming to U of T. if you’re coming to UTSG for life sciences, i can tell you that none of the first year life sci courses i took were affected by grade deflation. while i know it’s widespread across different departments, in my personal experience, mainly social science courses have been the issue. all hope is not lost and it’s still possible to do well!

    best of luck and hope this helps!

    over and out,


  • breadth requirements,  distribution

    can’t they just pick one name for it already

    Hi! I’m very confused about the difference between distribution requirements and breadth requirements! Please help :/


    hey there,

    i’m really sorry this took so long, and thank you for the wait! this system is indeed confusing and i’m glad you asked.

    unless you’re at UTM, you don’t need to worry about distribution requirements — at the other campuses, i believe they’re no longer active requirements. at UTM, i believe distribution requirements are still active and breadth requirements are not required. you’d basically need 1.0 FCE in each of the science, social science, and humanities categories to complete UTM’s distribution requirements.

    at utsc, the breadth requirements mean that you need to take 0.5 FCE in each of the following categories, which i’ve copy/pasted below from this webpage. 

    • Arts, Literature, and Language
    • Natural Sciences
    • History, Philosophy, and Cultural Studies
    • Quantitative Reasoning
    • Social and Behavioural Sciences

    meanwhile, at st. george, to complete breadth requirements you need either 1.0 FCE in four of the following categories, OR 1.0 FCE in three of the categories and 0.5 FCE in the two remaining categories.

    1 Creative and Cultural Representations
    2. Thought, Belief, and Behaviour
    3. Society and Its Institutions
    4. Living Things and Their Environment
    5. The Physical and Mathematical Universes

    however, in all cases, you don’t need to complete these requirements in your first year. it is sometimes smart to get them out of the way early so you don’t need to worry about them when you’re getting ready to graduate, but if you need more time you do have it!

    i hope this cleared things up!

    be Boundless,


  • distribution,  easy,  UTM

    *bill nye voice* inertia is a property of matter

    I’m sure you’ve been asked this before, but for those of us who were maybe a bit naive and short-sighted in high school and didn’t take any Grade 12 U-level math or science courses: what are our options to fulfill the one science credit requirement? Preferably @ UTM. There’s a super-incredible course in CCIT (my intended major) that’s a science, but requires a first year intro to psych course, which of course requires 12U math and biology.


    hey there,

    well, if you’re keen on that super-incredible course, you can always take 4U math and biology in summer school/night school. (math is also available through a uoft program called PUMP, though we don’t have any equivalent for biology, unfortunately).

    buuuut going to school in the summer sucks, so let’s consider some other options, shall we?

    there are lots of introductory science courses which favour the strengths of a humanities or social science student (i.e. no scary math or graphs to be seen). most of these courses don’t require any high school science courses, or ask that you have any previous familiarity with the course material.

    a few of these courses include:

    ERS103H5: Geology and Public Issues (gain the skill to confidently sprinkle the term “anthropocene” into regular conversation)

    ENV100Y5: The Environment (learn how 2 have opinions about climate change)

    BIO201H5: The Biology Behind the News (learn to read and understand parts of the newspaper other than the comics and crossword sections. next – a course on understanding the Financial Times)

    PHY100H5: What’s Physics Got to do with It? (for those who “want to gain insight into this interesting and important field in a non-intimidating way.” no five kinematic equations for you.)

    and there’s plenty more. note that you don’t have to take a first-year course, but upper-year courses generally have prereqs, so do keep that in mind.

    when you get a chance, spend some quality time with the course calendar and see if you find any other courses that spark your interest – and don’t have any pesky prerequisites attached.

    to make sure a course fills your science distribution requirement, check whether it’s labelled ‘SCI’ – only these courses will count towards your distribution requirement.

    happy hunting!


  • distribution,  first year

    take my breadth away


    I’m a first year student at the St.George campus. I gained entrance into the faculty of Arts & Sciences by taking the Academic Bridging Program. I completed the program May 2009, but earned a B-, so I’m currently restricted to part-time studies. I will most likely not have the 4.0 credits with a 2.5 GPA until Summer 2011. I completed my first credit in 2009, but did not take another credit until now (Summer 2010). My question is, do I need complete distribution requirements (degree requirements when I initially gained acceptance) or breadth requirements (enacted shortly before I completed my first “regular” credit)?



    Hey there. If you were accepted in September 2008 into the Academic Bridging Program as a U of T student, then you do not need to take breadth requirements. (Thank god, right? Those things scare the hell out of me and I’m on my last credit!) You will stick to the old distribution requirement system, but are still eligible for first year classes (including seminars!) until you pass five courses.

    Hope that helps.

    xoxo, Askastudent

  • anti-calendar,  distribution,  easy

    i need easy classes, fast


    I would like to ask you questions on choosing courses.

    I only took 3.5 -credits last year as a first year – so this 2010-2011 I am still technically a first year!

    I still need to take courses to meet my distribution requirement – and I need a course in Humanity and a course in Social Science.

    I was wondering what courses to take!

    My potential POSts are psych spec/maj and eeb major.

    I was eying ‘woman and gender studies’ (wgs100y1) for HUM and ant100y1/ant200y1/ant203y1 for SOCSCI.

    I looked into first year seminars (it turns out I can still take first year seminars) but I don’t think there aren’t any interesting ones.

    Are first year seminars relatively easier to get better marks and generally, easier than other courses?

    I read the syllabus for Lord of the Rings seminar last year and was surprised that you had to read one LOTR book in around every week and a half.

    ach.. I don’t remember if you majored in architecture or archaeology or anthrology.

    Would you give me some suggestions as to what I should do here?

    Do you recommend any other courses to meet the requirements?

    I am looking for ‘not-insanely-hard’ or ‘much-writing-assignment’ courses. I dont’ think I am good at writing essays.

    Could you please ask anyone who took WGS100y1 or first/second year ant courses and how they are?

    I read at some post of yours that ant100y1 course has no essays and watches lord of the rings..


    Thank you for your help.

    I wish you a jolly fine day.


    Hi there. Your question is a bit confusing, but I think I understand what you are getting at here: easy courses for your Humanities and Social Science requirements. (Note: this is pre breadth requirements.) I disagree that you can’t find an interesting First Year Seminar. I mean, there’s one on vikings, dude. Generally people find the courses easier because of the smaller, more contained environment. Having less students in the class means more attention from the professor. And because most of the subjects are light and breezy, the coursework and reading material doesn’t seem as tough.

    Peruse this list and reconsider.

    I don’t know anyone who has taken WGS 100Y1, or ant100y1/ant200y1/ant203y1, so you’ll just have to consult the anti calendar for feedback on these classes here. Other recommended humanities and social sciences classes that are distribution credit friendly are DRM 100 (first year drama), ABS 201 Y (intro to aborginal studies), ENG 140Y (lit for our time), FCS 195H1 (french culture from Napeoleon to Asterix). GGR 107H1 is a geography class with a 89% retake rate that will get you half a social science credit! The Urbanization follow up was also well received.

    Hope that helps and good luck with meeting all your requirements.

    xoxo, Askastudent

  • distribution,  easy,  first year

    Killing three birds with one keyboard.

    I’m a freshman starting this September for a Computer Science Program. I’m trying to look for a bird course that falls under Humanities or Social Studies. So far I’m looking at Intro to Sociology (SOC101Y) Any opinion regarding this course? I took AP Psychology in High School — will that help me in Sociology in terms of work load and such? Thank you

    im a second year student and i need a science credit as an elective. what are your recommendations for an easy 100-level or 200-level science credit


    can anyone please recommend me an EASY Humanity course and a Social Science course from UT and UTM?



    Here are just three (out of a billion) inquiries from students who want to either a) resuscitate their battered CGPAs, or b) preemptively suscitate their GPAs in the face of impending doom. Yes, suscitate is a real word.


    I am happy to recommend some avian courses (a more sophisticated take on the “bird course”), based on what I’ve done. However, Aska will gladly swallow his pride on this one and plead for any readers to pitch in their comments.


    The first thing that everyone should be aware of is the listing of courses designed to satisfy distribution requirements (Calendar pp.27-30). For example, the list “Humanities for Science and Social Science Students” indicates courses with less essay writing than one would expect in the Humanities category.


    If you like straight-up memorization, are willing to attend the lectures, and are a science nerd at heart, then consider taking CLA201H1: Latin & Greek Scientific Terminology. A Biochem friend said it was super interesting and applicable. Check out some of the past tests for this course. They are quite straightforward, albeit reeking of dorkiness.

    Science students also seem to do quite well in HPS courses – and so they should. It grounds their microscopic and/or abstract disciplines in a more humanistic context… so there!


    On the flipside, an easier science course (for Aska) was AST101H: The Sun & Its Neighbours as well as its counterpart (which bears a slightly more academic name) AST201H: Stars & Galaxies. These courses have been touted as easy since the dawn of time… or the Big Bang – I should say. However, I also know people who really struggled with them. The textbook is a fatty, but it’s a great keeper for the bookshelf (not quite coffee table caliber). Should you actually attend the lectures for these courses, your mind will be blown!! I swear. Picture one thousand humanities students in Con Hall with wide-eyes and gaping-mouths, totally mesmerized by a giant celestial image that bears a kaleidoscopic resemblance to a reproductive organ. You will also be able to contribute much more to any subsequent star gazing sessions on the rooftop of the Annex house that you’re renting for $525 per month plus utilities. I assuuuume.


    Okay those are Aska’s contributions, anyone else?!?!


    Oh, and I DO NOT recommend taking Sociology for an easy Social Science credit. I heard it is supposed to be super tough and multiple choice hell.


    One more thing! Take a first-year seminar!! Their small-scale, interactive, high-school style format is definitely most conducive to a good grade in your first year. And you can only enroll in them in your first year. So, TAKE ADVANTAGE. I think I laughed about ten times while reading this year’s options.

    Here are my (superficial) faves:

    Language and the Internet (… LMAO)

    Aha! Mathematical Discovery and Creative Problem Solving

    Words, Rhythm and Music: What Makes a Song?

    The Lord of The Rings: A Journey Through Middle Earth

    Observing Everyday Life


    How To Make a Human (…I won’t even touch this one)


    Seriously folks, you can’t pay for this kind of entertainment… Oh wait you can. It’s a flat fee of $4,991 plus incidentals.

  • choosing,  courses,  distribution,  science

    One must wonder which end of your telescope the intelligence is at

    hi! im in my first year and im very wondering… i read the calender book and i have found some courses? : science/social science distribution courses which are inteneded for only humanities or art students..? if im planing to take scinece program as my major,,then i can’t take these courses??????

    are they really for only art and humanity students??

    because before i take scinece program…i want to try some easy level which i think it is………..thanks!!

  • courses,  distribution

    Yes, I swear. U of T Admin do know how to add.


    I need your help. I am doing a double major..a major in art history and a major in religion. I noticed in the course calendar it says something about 2 major programs “must include at least 12 different courses.”

    what does this mean? I know one of my art history courses can also be counted as my religion credit (it is one of the cross-listed courses) so does that mean courses cannot overlap? As you can see Im pretty confused. Any help would be great. thanks!


  • distribution,  enrollment

    punishment for a late decision?

    Hi, I am a transfer student starting 2nd year in September. I have a question about subject posts- do I have to pick right away or can i do some of the requirements first and then pick. I want to do a history specialty, however I do not have a full year history course, will it let me select history specialty, or do i have to do the course first? Also, when will I be able to select classes?

  • courses,  distribution,  english

    some times generic can still be great…the rundown, perhaps?

    If I got an ENG100H1 credit and a generic ENG1*** credit from my AP exams (which
    I did), should I bother taking JEF100, or should I just take a second year Lit
    course? Is there a really huge difference between first and second year English
    I ask because now these AP credits count towards my 6 first year course
    maximum, and I still need my science distribution credit. Or if I can take my
    science distribution next year, it would be nice to have a backup course in
    case I decide I want to change my program after first year.

  • distribution,  psychology

    psychological deathtraps

    I need to choose what courses I want to fulfill the science requirement of my
    degree. Thus, I ask; just how MATHY is Introductory Psychology? My sister has
    informed me that it is like sixth dimension geometry, and another source has
    informed me that there is NO MATH AT ALL, and I believe he said this because he
    was in university years ago. Grade 12 Calculus is not a prerequisite, but I did
    happen to take it. More importantly, psychology is something I am actually
    interested in. I have made it a life goal to learn why people are stupid.
    Advanced math, on the other hand,the elderly get it on. Should I go with first
    year psychology? [youtube]http://youtube.com/watch?v=XC_45v-mWv0&mode=related&search=[/youtube]