Hiii! I’ve just applied to UTSC for the English Major, and I was wondering if my grade 11 marks are going to be considered as well? I’m a little worried because due to unexpected circumstances I was only able to complete one semester and I’m taking the other semester courses this year along with my grade 12 courses. I dont know if this will affect my acceptance since the grade 11 courses I took were in the range of 85%-60%. I hope someone can help me out with this! Have a good day!
hey there,
yeah, it makes sense that you’re worried about this, this is a really common question! not that you’re basic. you’re special in my heart.
so all applicants to U of T are considered based on their top six academic grade 12 courses. since you’re applying to the english program, english 12 will have to be included in your roster of top six grades — it’s a pre-requisite and it would be crazy if they didn’t look at your english marks when you’re applying to english.
anyways, these six grades are then used to calculate your admission average. according to this website, the admission requirements for english at UTSC say that you would need an average approximately in the mid-70s to high-70s to be competitive.
however, your grade 11 marks that you took last year will still matter, since your marks from this year won’t be fully out when you send in your application. and how much they matter kinda depends on a bunch of uncontrollable factors. like, when your high school releases interim marks, how intense the competition is in the applicant pool, etc.
basically, U of T will look at your grade 11 marks if you applied during the early application period. but, to my understanding, if those marks don’t quite make the cut, you will be considered again when your grade 12 marks start coming out.
overall, it honestly seems to me like you might be fine??? since your marks land right in the mid-70s range that’s required. but like, remember that i’m not a U of T admissions officer or recruiter!
so this is not official advice. if you wanted that, i would recommend attending one of these ask a recruiter sessions. U of T does a bunch of web casts and chat sessions where you can talk to recruiters and get answers in real time. i’ve never attended one, but i’ve heard they’re helpful.
and yeah, that’s it. hope this made sense, and good luck with the rest of your grade 12 year! and sorry i made you wait so long for this answer, final exams the past 2 weeks obliterated me.
over and out,