that’s not something they tell students


I was just wondering if the average graduation GPA distribution was available for us students to look at. If so where could I find it.

I’m looking for something like

95% percentile = X.XX GPA

90% percentile = X.XX GPA

and so on, Or something of similar format.

(If divided by major it would be great)



hey there,

at the very least, if something like this exists, it’s not available for students to look at.

more than that though, i doubt if uoft even collects this information privately within departments.* the university doesn’t sort students based on how they rank relative to other students (the closest thing we have to that is the dean’s list), and it’s not used as a tool to measure students in any substantial way i can think of. there’s just not a culture here for it.

for someone trying to figure out where on the grade scale they’ll likely fall in a certain program, i see how that might be annoying. but look at it on the flip side: once you’re in the program, you’ll never be reduced to just a percentile.



* i mean, obviously i can’t know this for certain. there could be whole CONSPIRACIES going on within academic departments at uoft that we have NO IDEA about. but i wouldn’t give that idea too much thought – this website is written in like verdana or something, after all.

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