askastudent love/hate

aska is the hottest job on the block

Hey aska!

Aska seems like a cool group of people. I’m going into my 4th and final year and I totally wanna get involved with ya’ll. How can I?


hey there,

thanks for the compliment! we are a pretty rad group, if i do say so myself.

every aska gets the job a different way. my personal recommendation – if you really want to increase your chances of getting it – is that you spend a month or so serenading me. any genre of music will do; i’m not picky. just make sure that you’re at my beck and call and ready to sing at any time of the day or night – of course, i can’t sing for myself. that would be absurd.

also, if you want to spontaneously bring me coffees and treats, i wouldn’t mind that at all. compliment my hair. replace the flowers in the vases at my place. carry me on a litter from class to class, enjoy some white-water sports with me – just little things, y’know?

or you can just keep an eye on the CLN and apply online, since askastudent is a work-study position. but like, whatever. it’s your decision.



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