
oh my god y’all are gonna destroy your hearts

This may be out of your power but I need some good advice. I got into U of t last month (St George for humanities woot woot!) and things are a little rough right now second semester. I had a 95 average first semester but so far I got a 75 ona huge unit test which may lower my second semester marks. My end of year average may be from a high 90 to a low 80 which worries me. My terms and conditions said to meet a 75 avg. (I literally never have to show up for that to happen) but still HELLLP


hey there,

i’m not actually sure what the question is here. i think i know what you’re getting at, but all you finished with was “HELLLP,” which is pretty ambiguous. what do you need help with? were you typing out your question when suddenly you were ambushed by a bunch of dudes in ski masks?

if so, here is an article about hostage negotiation techniques that you can use. just tell the bandits to give you a moment to connect to the wifi and read it on your phone, and then you’ll be all set to get yourself out of there.

once you get out of that sticky situation, if you find yourself concerned about your grade 12 marks: don’t be. as long as you’re meeting the conditions of your acceptance, you’ve got nothing to worry about.

so breathe deep, and don’t stress, because it’s bad for your heart and also you’ll get frown lines.

xoxo and see you next year,


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