
B.I.A – Biology Intelligence Agency

I’m in my second year now in lifesci, I never completed my ochem credit and need it this year for bio230. I told the bio dept I’d take chm151 at the same time as bio230 and I really feel like dropping it right now. I would prefer to take chm138 later on.
Would the bio dept find out and take back the credit?


yo yo,

I can’t imagine that they would keep tabs on something like that. Once they’ve checked the prerequisite and then waved it, I’m sure they don’t round back and check again … but who knows.

If it’s something that you have to take anyways, and there is the chance that there could be repercussions for your bio class, I would try to finish it now if you can.
If you are looking to definitely drop the course you are going to have to make an appointment with an academic advisor because you are looking to do a Late Withdrawal now. I would actually call your registrar’s office, well, now! The last day to do a late withdrawal is Wednesday, Decemeber 7, the last day of classes. From what I understand, the offices are in quite the frenzy trying to fit all the appointments in.
holiday cheers,


  • beck

    CHM151 is a full year course, so you really have until July to drop it without academic penalty.
    And seeing how you’ve missed the deadline for any financial refund, why not wait until your BIO230 credit shows up on your transcript? There’s no taking that back.

  • aska

    Well CHM151 is a full year course … that changes things a bit. Thanks beck for pointing that out!

    The last day to drop a full year course without academic penalty is February 20th 2012 … after that you can do a Late Withdrawal until April 5th 2012 (the last day of classes)

    So technically you could complete the Bio course before withdrawing from the course.

    Saying that though, the beauty of full year courses is that it gives you more time to pull up your mark. If its something you are going to have to take anyways, I would suggest riding it out until at least Feb (unless you are desperately failing at the moment) and seeing if you can maybe salvage the credit.

  • Anonymous

    Actually, I was just at the HMB office. They said as long as you start the course with the co-requisite, then it’s okay. But that might be just the HMB office..

    I was taking HMB265 and BIO230 as a corequsite, and I ended up dropping BIO230 so I went to the HMB office to see if I would get kicked out of 265 or something, and they said it’s okay because I started BIO230 already.

    In my opinion, it should be okay to drop your chem course. If you want to be sure, just go to the cell systems biology office or email your course coordinator. Say your “friend” is in this situation, and you would like to inquire on behalf of them 😉

  • lifesci student

    Anonymous, you’ve just given me a great amount of hope! Thanks a lot for that tip, will check it out immediately
    Also, thanks a lot aska!

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