CR/NCR,  money

sign that confirmation of enrolment – in blood!

I’m going to be a work study student and got approved for OSAP. So do I still need to send in the confirmation of enrollment and other things if I don’t really need the money that badly now?

remember that if you are receiving OSAP, that you have to pay the minimum amount of your tuition by NOVEMBER 15th or you will start receiving an interest rate on your fees of 1.5%. that may not seem like a big deal, and maybe it isn’t. but as askastudent, it is my duty to warn all those who fear interest rates of 1.5%.
if you’ve filled out your OSAP paperwork, then you have completed your so-called confirmation of enrolment. if you won’t be receiving OSAP this year, then you have to fill out the paperwork – or OSAP will think that you owe them the cash. and somehow drinking beer at 1PM while writing a paper on james stewart’s alleged homosexuality isn’t good enough.
either way, if you haven’t received your OSAP or have received it in the past – you need to fill out the paperwork. head on over to your nice and friendly registrar’s office, or as aska calls it, the “R-office” and fill it out in pen. or blood, if that’s what OSAP needs to prove your dedication to student loans.
cheers, askastudent

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