
res, roomies, and i really really don’t like smoke and parties


I’m hoping to get in to U of T for next year, and right now I’m trying to choose my college.? After touring the residences, I liked Innis the best. ?However, some students I know already at U of T told me that Innis has a reputation of partying and smoking.? Is this true?? I want to fit in with my roommates, not be the one oddball in a building.



Hey Worried!

So I take it you?re the kind of student going to live on res to be near campus, not for the partypartyparty mindset most people move in with? As in you want easy access to the library and lecture halls? Or maybe you just hate commuting? Good for you!

Anyhow, before roommates are assigned, you always fill out some sort of survey no matter what residence you get put in. That means you will most likely be sorted into a group of people that have the same mindset as you do, or at least the same taste for non-smoking and quiet evenings. You get asked questions about hobbies, allergies, how clean you are, whether or not you smoke, and so on and so forth. So don?t worry! I highly doubt you?ll be put into an apartment with three or four other girls that are complete chain-smoking party animals! You’ll find at least one comrade here!

And if it?s any consolation, Innis Residence does provide you with your own room, so at least you?ll have that, right?

crankily commuting,


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