
how course enrolment ‘works’

Okay, so while checking out the spaces in all of the courses I had intended to take for first year I have found that pretty much every single one of them is full.

What do I do? I need to take these courses as prerequisites for my major, how is it that they are full if first years don’t register til August first?
Or is it just that only a certain number of spaces were released and those are already full and there will still be room when we go to register?

Help aska!

okay, okay, the way course registration works is this. some of the classes you are trying to enroll in have priorities on them – restrictions on who/what can enrol in these classes before the second round of enrolment. some of these restrictions include: what year of study you are in (lots of first year classes are restricted to first years first), what PoST you are in and other special criteria (like an application or audition). the right hand side of the timetable lets you know what the restrictions are. if you don’t meet the criteria, then you won’t be able to enrol in the class.

that is, until the magical day of the second round of enrolment – AUGUST 15TH. (aka the day that ROSI crashes a hundred times in a row and an angry mob torches the registrar’s office.) on AUGUST 15TH – anyone, yes even you scumbag, will be able to select a course – even if they are not in the required year of study, program, etc. of course there are some exceptions, but starting AUGUST 15TH you’ll be able to enroll and add a 6th class to boot.

if you can’t get into a class, everything isn’t lost quite yet. you can go on a wait list for the course (wait lists are removed on September 23rd-ish), keep checking ROSI for spots available, or maybe even convince your friend to drop. a really awesome varsity article on this issue details the kinds of crazy things people are doing to obtain their desired classes. read it here.

things will shift in the next few weeks, especially once classes begin. but for now, just keep trying. you’re going to make it if you try.

cheers, askastudent

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