
today’s priorities: eat granola bars, make potato salad, DANCE

Hey askastudent,

The enrollment controls are driving me crazy.  Why doesn’t interdisciplinary
programs like Urban Studies and Equity Studies (programs I am in) get priority
in their courses that are outside of our department – except for a couple
courses for Urban Studies in Geography?  While programs like IR and PACs have
priority in a whole bunch of courses outside their department.  I feel like a
lesser citizen!  Why can’t Equity Studies grow some balls and take over some

So, what are my chance of getting into 3rd 4th year courses after the priority
period is over?

Cheers 🙂

though most of the artsci timetable is probably decided by  a large spinning wheel, there is actually a lot of thought and work that goes into figuring out how to make programs work the best.  enrolment limitations are obviously very important, and ensure that you can get what you need for your degree, but enrolment limitations are also the equivalent of a big sign written in blood that says “GET OOOOUUUUUT”.

the whole priority enrollment period is a numbers thing.  if the courses you want had priority, less students might enroll.   the same reasoning applies to classes that would be avoided if they weren’t program requirements.  someone in some department has calculated that no limitations on certain courses makes everyone happier…except for you.

i don’t know what your chances will be to get into 3rd and 4th year classes.  make sure you have backup choices, and don’t give up until a few weeks into september.  ciao.

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