
the dean’s promise: fact or myth?

Hey aska,

I’m a fourth year student aiming to graduate in June. My GPA is fine, but?I’ve made stupid choices during course selection and now because of course?conflicts, I’m 1.0 credit behind! How does the dean’s promise work??Graduation requests close on the 26th. :<


hey there,

the dean’s promise isn’t actually a concrete thing, unfortunately. i know it sounds like it should be. i mean, it’s a PROMISE, right? it MATTERS. yeah, not really. all the dean’s promise really says is that they’ll do everything they can to get you graduating on time, but if you’ve mucked it up past the point of no return, that’s not their problem soz lol.

so yeah, it’s not super helpful. the action path that it translates to though is talking to your college registrar’s office, some advice they tack on to the bottom of that little summary i linked. at the end of the day, it’s your registrar who’s going to do everything they can to graduate you when you want to graduate. so get yourself on over there!


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