throwing shade at capitalism like a left-wing twenty-year-old idealist do

what is UTAPS? Do I have to repay it? or is it not even something that gives me money…


hey there,

if you’re in the position of wanting higher education and not falling into the income bracket of people who for some reason have easier access to it than everyone else regardless of academic merit (hashtag shade @capitalism), then UTAPS is there to help you out.

UTAPS is uoft’s financial aid backup plan. if you apply for OSAP (slash whatever student financial assistance is available in your province/territory), and OSAP gives you the maximum amount of aid, but?you still need more in order to cover your schooling, UTAPS will cover that.

you don’t need to apply for UTAPS separately. just apply for OSAP/your province’s financial aid, and if necessary, UTAPS will supply any remaining grant money to your student account.

UTAPS is a grant, not a loan, so you don’t repay it. i’d say that’s lucky, but if you’re getting UTAPS then you’re also loaning the maximum amount of money from OSAP possible, so maybe it’s not so lucky.




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