subject POST

not just first-year, ADVANCED first-year

Hey, ASKA!

I’m an incoming first year at UTSG. I plan on entering a Psych POSt at the?end of first year. Thing is, I read somewhere that we apply to a POSt after?the completion of 4.0 FCEs. I’ll be starting in the fall with 3.0 FCEs on?my transcript from AP credits transferred. How does that work? I don’t take?PSY100, which is the prerequisite for applying to the POSt, until the?spring semester. Will I be able to wait and apply when all my fellow first?years are applying at the end of the year, or will they try and make me?choose a POSt already at the end of first semester?



hey there,

welcome to first year! i hope you’re excited. try to use that?excitement to crush the borderline panic that threatens to overwhelm you at all times*.

this is one of those situations where you have to read the university guidelines VERY CAREFULLY. the registration instructions say that “St. George campus, Arts & Science students are required to enrol in subject POSt(s) at the end of the session in which they complete their fourth full-course equivalent.

there are two sessions at UTSG: the summer session and the Fall/Winter session (September-April). even though you’ll have completed 4.0 FCEs before April, April is the end of the session, not December. also, you’re not able to add/request subject POSts until April anyway. so if you take PSY100 in the spring term, you’ll be alright to ?request a psych POSt in April-September, along with everyone else.

don’t worry, you too can experience the magic?of stressing about subject POSts all summer when you really want to be enjoying some well-deserved time off. yay!



*sorry, i don’t mean to assume that you’re panicking. maybe you’re completely cool and composed about the next major stage of your life. but, you know, that’s a much less safe bet than panic.

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