dropping out

whoa, there

I started university and I hate it how would I go about dropping it now that I am here


hey there,

i’m sorry to hear that you feel that way. i know how awful it can feel to hate something that everyone around you seems to be loving (especially during this week of insufferably optimistic enthusiasm).

however, do keep in mind that it is only frosh week right now. if you’re entering into your first year at uoft, i’d urge you not to make any serious decisions like dropping out this early on in the game.

frosh week is not what the rest of university is like. it’s just a week of shouting and excitement before everyone buckles down to try and study for four years. if you didn’t like frosh, that just means you didn’t like frosh.

i’m not gonna try to tell you what to do. and hey, maybe you didn’t attend orientation, and you’re basing this decision off of something completely different. however, it is still very early on in the game to make this kind of decision.

if i were you, i’d give it some time – at least a week, and then, if you don’t like your courses, you can go to your registrar’s office and make an appointment to talk about your options.

you can discuss the possibility of dropping out entirely, changing your courses around, changing programs, transferring universities, taking time off, or doing whatever it is that’s right for you.

to sum up, this is how you drop out: 1) stick around a bit and 2) go to your registrar’s office.



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