psychology,  PUMP

calculus is the bane of everything

I am currently taking PSY100 and hopefully I could end up with enough marks for majoring in Psychology. However, I found out that you have to have high school calculus for this major. I am really suck at math and I do not have credit in calculus. Also, I am really avoiding to take it in summer school. Is the credit necessary? Can I apply for psy major without it?
Thank you :p


hey there,

no, you cannot apply without calculus. it’s a harsh world we live in, my friend, a world dictated by integration and series. i know it’s hard. sure, i’ll hold you.

fortunately, uoft offers an alternative to summer school. the PUMP program is basically high school math in university, and it can be used to bridge the gap between high school math and first-year calculus at uoft.

normally, PUMP can’t be used to fulfil program requirements, BUT it IS an acceptable alternative to the high school calculus requirement for psychology programs.

if you’re interested (which, why wouldn’t you be? it’s a pretty awesome program and much better than having to do school in the summer), you can register for Winte 2015 PUMP classes at the bottom of this page.

best of luck with your POSt applications!


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