askastudent love/hate


Dear aska,
I would like to ask some personal questions. (Feel free to skip any of these questions if you feel too anxious about them.)
What inspired you to create this blog sometime 20 years ago?Before you were aska, what were you (other than being in Innis)? What are you doing when you’re not being aska?How does it feel to become a popular blog for UofT?What are your overall expectations/future aspirations for this blog and for life in general?If you could give one piece of advice to every UofT student (based on your experiences and your blog), what would it be?
Many thanks!


hey there,

thanks for the questions! they kinda made me feel like a celebrity. *puts on shades* *gives paparazzi the finger* *strokes the Italian Greyhound poking out of my Louis Vuitton bag*

1) i didn’t create askastudent, much as i’d like to be able to take the credit for it. (also, i’m really trying not to get offended that you thought i was like, what…40 years old? at least? please, trust me…i’m still young and hip…you gotta believe me, man).

askastudent has gone through a lot of askas – we tend to rotate in and out on a yearly basis (with some exceptions). askas are always students at uoft, so once an aska graduates, they are OFF to BIGGER and BETTER THINGS.

all the askas are unified by our INCREDIBLE WIT AND CHARM, so people usually can’t tell when there’s a new aska, which can make it seem like there’s been one person writing the same blog for twenty years. but i feel like that would be kind of excessive, so…we don’t do that.

2) before i was aska, i was just another student, like you! after i became aska, i remained another student, like you, with the exception that now i’m allowed to prattle on without restraint on this blog. goodness knows why they let me do it.

3) when i’m not being aska, i’m usually either avoiding schoolwork by binge-watching old Disney movies, being slightly late to class, and complaining about school to friends in various diner spots on campus. i can also be found in a number of other positions/roles at the university, but in the interest of not being too identifiable, i won’t tell you exactly what those are.

just trust that the other things i do are COOL and FUN.

4)/5) *sweeps back platinum blonde hair* well, i never thought i would end up here…so famous…i owe it all to my fans, really…

honestly, i’m just happy i’ve been given the opportunity to be a part of askastudent. a lot of really talented people have written for this website, and i just hope to be able to live up to the example they’ve set. i really care about this blog. i care about keeping an open and honest dialogue between students, and i believe in students helping students, so i guess my future hopes for the blog are that it continues to exist and improve and help out students.

6) my future aspirations for life in general are that i can find a job. just…any job that will let me pay rent and buy food. that would be so ideal.

7) my advice for any uoft student would be: try to experience your time here as deeply as possible. get involved, talk to people, do the things you’re excited about and see where they’ll lead you.

this is the time to try new things and get outside your comfort zone a bit, because the consequences to not conforming are going to be relatively light compared to later on in life.

so stay out with your friends until 4am, join that club you’ve been eyeing, say the controversial thing in class, and put your heart and soul into the things and people you care about.

also: none of the colleges are better than any of the others. so stop asking.

thanks for the Q’s!



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