do you need to have any experience to get involved with one of the school’s newspapers or blogs? i don’t have any specific experience for that but in my free time i love reading and writing and so im thinking the newspaper or the school blog would be a good way to get involved!
hey there,
i think it kinda depends on the newspaper/blog! blogUT, for example, just requires that you send a little e-mail application – no previous writing experience required.
for the varsity, you can basically just drop into their office/send them an e-mail and let them know you want to start writing for them.
as for college newspapers, look on their website (if they have one) to see if they have any application procedures. otherwise, just shoot them an e-mail and go from there. at the end of the day, all these publications are run by students, so they tend to be pretty lowkey in terms of how to get involved.
finally, here is a list of a bunch of different publications at uoft, if you’d like to start browsing opportunities (because i’m nice like that. and i have far too much time to spend linking stuff):
student newspapers on campus
1. The Varsity
5. The Mike
5. The Gargoyle
6. The Strand
7. The Howl
student blogs on campus
1. blogUT
2. ~~~ ASKASTUDENT WHOO!!!!! ~~~
3. student life blogs (these blogs have a more concrete application process, which you can read about here)
college-specific student literary reviews on campus
4. The Grammateion
5. The Trinity Literary Review
academic student literary reviews on campus
1. The Idiom (English department’s undergraduate academic journal)
2. Anthropology Undergraduate Journal
3. ImagiNATIONS (Canadian Studies undergraduate academic journal)
4. Saeculum (Christianity & Culture undergraduate academic journal)
5. Undergraduate Journal of Political Science
6. The Foolscap (Book and Media Studies academic journal)
…and the list goes on. hopefully this will give you a chance to start looking, and see what you like!
happy writing,