ACORN is driving me NUTS

Hi aska! I’ve been accepted into the social science department at utsg, and I was putting courses into the enrolment cart on acorn, but soc101 & psy100 have “enrolment blocked” and “ordered exclusions” under them. What does this mean?


hey there,

now, ACORN is new ’round these parts, so i’m not gonna be too harsh on it while it’s just getting its sea legs. it’s so new, in fact, that i don’t even have a tag for it yet on this website (eventually, i’ll get around to changing it from ‘ROSI’ to ‘ACORN.’ eventually).

however, i’ve gotta admit that in its initial stages, ACORN does have a few buggy little things about it that are making it a bit confusing. and the FIRST of these buggy things is this: a lot of the stuff related to the enrolment cart makes it LOOK like you’re not allowed to enrol in a course, when you actually are.

first up: “enrolment blocked.” “what the everliving f$&* does that mean?” you might ask.

well, if you hover over the words “enrolment blocked” on ACORN, a message will pop up that says: “you are currently blocked from enrolling in at least one section of this course.”

why they put this message up really puzzles me, because ACORN won’t allow you to enrol in a section that you’re blocked from, so whatever section is already in your cart, is a section that you ARE allowed to enrol in. obviously. because you just added it to your cart.

SO i guess it’s just letting you know that if you want to try enrolling in a different section, you might not be able to.

next: “ordered exclusions.” hovering over this tab will give you the definition of an exclusion (“Courses with content too similar to each other to be taken for credit”), AND it will handily list every exclusion for that course. which is super helpful.

in sum, you don’t have anything to worry about. they’re just messages that are meant to make course enrolment easier to understand (whether they were entirely successful on that front is…debatable).

happy acorning!


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