
be nice to T.A.s and they will be nice to you

hey aska! im a student at UTSC, and i am taking a full year course as a pre-req. i was wondering if i could have a different tutorial for the first half of the term vs the second half (fall and winter semesters). i was planning on taking a course at UTSG in the fall but the tutorial timing is making it rlly hard to do so :// thanks for all the help !!


hey there,

i’ve seen people do it before, so it’s not impossible. the best thing to do would be to explain the situation to your T.A. and ask them if it would be possible.

if you don’t know who your T.A. will be and you want an answer right now, you can e-mail the instructor and ask them.

just make sure you explain the full situation. if the T.A. thinks you want to switch tutorials because you don’t like them, they PROBABLY won’t be as empathetic to your situation. just a thought.



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