
the elderly in BIO120+130

Hi Aska! I was just wondering, if I don’t have priority, what are my chances of getting into BIO120+BIO130? Thanks!


hey there,

as far as first year courses go, your chances aren’t bad. there’re about 1600 spots available in BIO120, and about 1500 in BIO130. and, yes, every single flippin first year in life science will be signing up for those courses, but the faculty has made space to accommodate them and, hopefully, a few upper years, too.

besides, we all know that there are going to be a handful of first years who completely miss the memo that first year course enrolment starts on July 30th. also, there will be people who entered into life science and realized they no longer want to do life science. you know how changeable those first years are.

and that leaves at least some space for you, the opportunistic upper year preying on those first year courses like a vulture on a bloody buffalo.

so if you log into ACORN at 6am on the dot on August 7th, you just might nab a spot on the carcass. it’s not guaranteed, so make sure you’ve got a backup – these non priority courses are always a gamble – but don’t lose hope just yet.

but?maybe you shouldn’t be listening to me. i’m still holding out hope for a P* course with only 1 spot left. who’s the crazy one now?



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