
is this my mom

hey aska, are we allowed to just record lectures or do we have to ask the professors first and how in the world do we record lectures in the bigger sid smith lecture rooms (from what I remember, the speakers weren’t anywhere near the floors)? p.s. I need to record the lectures for accessibility purposes – I’m a good friend(?)


hey there,

you definitely, DEFINITELY have to ask first before you record a lecture. lots of professors will not allow you to record their lectures because of the possibility that you’ll share it with people, post it online, etc.

if this?is for an accessibility accommodation though, the best thing you can do is talk to your professor about it. they may even be able to record it and post it on blackboard/send you the file, rather than you having to record it yourself. that will make for much better audio quality, and your professor will also be in the loop about why you need to record the lecture, which will likely make them a lot more accommodating.

otherwise, i recommend an external microphone. you can get them pretty cheap on amazon and they’re so much better than the built-in ones on most macs and PCs.



P.S. are you saying you’re a good friend of mine??? like in real life??? only like five people know that i’m aska. are you my mother. is this my mother asking me a question. i have enough other questions to answer, MOM, there’s no need to test me.

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