Hey Aska,
I know this is the umpteenth time you’re getting a psych question, but I’ve searched all the tags and haven’t found what I’m looking for so here it goes:
I’m planning on switching to a psychology minor this summer while I’m going into my 4th year. I’ve completed one major already and 75% done of my second major, so I think I’ll be okay adding this in rn. I’m taking psy100 first sem in summer, then hoping to take two other psy courses (psy240,270) in the second summer sem *praying I get all credits* so that I can apply for the minor in the second request period of the summer. The only problem is, I don’t remember if I fulfill the calculus prereq. requirement just because I graduated nearly 3 years ago from high school and don’t remember what I took in gr.11/12. I do know for sure I took senior math in both gr.11/12, but can’t remember which ones I got the credits for: calc, advanced functions, or data management [?] Can I ask the psych department to check if I fulfill the calc requirement, and if not I know I can go back to tdsb and get night/summer school for the calc, but the deadline for registration for that is coming up so what do you suggest? I just need to know if I meet the calc requirement cause I myself am not sure lol.
hey there,
first of all, you’re awesome for checking the tags. and kudos for asking a psych question that’s brand new. you’re the reason i wake up and continue to go to work every day with a smile on my face, despite the fact that my bed frame is now officially broken and i no longer own any tights without holes in them.
the easiest thing to do in this situation, of course, is to look back at your high school transcripts and see what you took. i assume, however, that you threw away those precious documents and now don’t have access to them. that’s why i keep all my documentation for an absurdly long amount of time. i still have my grade 11 chemistry notes. i have a file on my computer for every class i’ve ever taken in university. yes, i realize i’m an e-hoarder. fight me.
i don’t know how exactly the psychology department goes about checking how people fulfil requirements, so unfortunately i can’t give you specific directions. asking them if they can take a look for you is a good start, though. they may direct you to enrolment services, which likely has your high school transcript or some kind of academic record on file. may as well start with the department itself, though.
also, regardless of whether you have the prerequisite or not, it may not be a bad idea to review your calculus over the summer. if you can’t even remember taking the class, maybe you need a refresher on the material.
best of luck!