subject POST

dunno how i missed that

Hi, hope you’re doing well! I’m a first year student at utsg, hoping to major in literature and critical theory. However, there are two streams for it: the comparative stream and the cultural stream. They seem very similar and only have slightly different requirements, and I can’t seem to find anything to determine what the differences between them are, to choose the best one for me. I was hoping you could help. Thanks!! <3


hi there,

i hope you’re doing well too, and that your first year is going all right!

i don’t personally know anything about lit and crit, and couldn’t find anything on the internet either. i ended up reaching out to a friend who graduated from the program to see if she might know anything about the streams.

she told me that there’s not a huge difference between the streams, but as far as she can recall, the comparative stream requires you to take more language credits than the cultural stream. meanwhile, if you choose the cultural stream, you have to take more social science/cultural studies/humanities classes, like sociology or women & gender studies. otherwise, most of the courses are the same.

i was later able to confirm all that information here — i don’t know how i missed it the first time i was looking. i guess i didn’t quite know what i was looking for.

click that link! it’ll give you all the details you need.

if you have any other program-related questions you can’t find answers for on the internet, remember that you can always reach out to the department, in this case victoria college.

be Boundless,


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