cinema studies,  subject POST,  Uncategorized

it’s that time of year again

Hey! I’m a first year who’s been thinking about POSTs. I’m probably going to major in English and I want to do creative expression in society as a minor, and maybe either book and media studies or cinema studies as my second major. The thing is, I never took CIN105 (the prerequisite) which means I’d have to do it in my second year. How do I go about applying for these programs then? i hope this makes sense lol thank you


hey there,

thank you for waiting for this answer! i hope you had a great reading week, or at least a half-decent one.

this is a good question, and you’re not alone in wanting to register in a program for which you lack the prerequisite. i feel like i’ve actually seen this specific question in recent months, which means someone else at u of t is also trying to get into cinema studies without the prereq.

you should be able to apply for english easily — english is an open program, so as long as you have 4.0 FCEs, the major should let you in. the creative expression and society minor is also open enrolment, and while the book and media studies major isn’t open enrolment, it only requires that you have a grade of 67% or higher in at least one 100+ level course. doable, i think. for information about the specifics of applying to programs, check out this lovely sid smith page that boils it all down very nicely. 

as for a cinema studies major, that’s absolutely still a possibility. what you can do is take CIN105 in your second year and apply during the POSt application period following your second year. in the meantime, you can select another open enrolment program as a placeholder. you need to do that because, unless you are enrolled in the minimum program combination (a specialist, double major, or major + two minors) by the time fall/winter course enrolment happens, you’ll be blocked from selecting courses.

it doesn’t really matter what placeholder you pick, but the smart thing to do with the  would be to select a program that’ll give you priority enrolment for courses you’re interested in taking. that way, you can take advantage of priority privileges for a year.

the final thing to note is that you shouldn’t drop your placeholder until after you get into cinema studies, just to be safe.

i hope this helped, and that your first year is going all right! good luck with your midterms and finals — i’m rooting for you.

be Boundless,


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