
To infinity and bey … and to my room to study for Math 133Y

Hey aska.
So I’m a first year student at UTSG and I planned on doing a specialist degree in IR. But now I am reconsidering and thinking of doing a major in IR and a major in Economics. However, I only took Eco105 and no math course and for economics a calculus course is required (ps. I suck at math). Are my chances of doing a major/minor in economics completely shot?

Thanks, Y.


Hey there, partner of a love/hate relationship with math,

Skip the first paragraph if you don’t want my opinion. Proceed to paragraph number two for the hard facts.

Ok. So, I was looking at IR and Eco and you do realize that both involve math right? I don’t know … maybe it’s just me … but i wouldn’t want to suffer through 4 years of something buuuuut that’s up to you. Maybe your mentally prepared for this … or I can suggest counselors that can help you to not have a mental breakdown come 3rd year.

NOW on to your question: You can totally take a major or a minor in Eco, but you can’t enroll the subject post until next year when you finally take that dreaded math course (MAT133Y). And unfortunately you can’t take the other required courses until you take that math as it, along with ECO 100 Y, are prereqs.

There are course grade requirements and CGPA requirements, so I’ll quote the lovely course calendar
“Enrolment in this program is limited to students with 67% in ECO100Y1 or 80% in ECO105Y1, MAT133Y1/(MAT123H1,MAT124H1)/MAT135Y1/MAT137Y1/MAT157Y1 and a CGPA of 2.0.”

I’ll just confess this now, I’m assuming your talking about the economics arts program. If for some inconceivable reason I’m wrong, just check the course calendar and they will show you the requirements as above.

Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum

Yours Truly,

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