
i … oh wait… have…. uhh … procrastinating issues

Hey aska!
Ok, so I basically go to utm, and ummm I really don’t know how to ask this because I know a lot of people read this lol. Ok, so my problem is CHRONIC procrastination.So far I’ve considered admitting myself into a mental asylum to talking to a psychiatrist to dropping out. I’m actually procrastinating while I’m writing this hahaha, so I really need help. I really want to change…but I just don’t know how, and I’ve already dropped a full year course and I’m getting a 2.7 gpa at the moment. Somehow I always end up procrastinating and leaving things off by using facebook or doing something else on the net and I always feel like I don’t have time (that’s probably because of the 4 hours of commuting each day). I really don’t want to risk what I otherwise would have learned or the marks that I could have got if I was actually learning.
Thanks soooo much in advance 🙂
A faithful aska fan


Sorry it took my so long to respond, I was procrastinating.

Is this a new found procrastinating skill or have you always had this trouble. Personally I sometimes find myself watching entire seasons of Six Feet Under before even looking at the essay due the next day.

As it is always more fun to blame our flaws on medical reasoning, I’m going to suggest going in and talking with a doctor.

Upon analyzing my medical journals (House and here are some possible medical reasoning behind your distractions:

– Stroke

– Brain Tumour


– Alcohol Overdose (most likely)

– ADD (second most likely)

Honestly, there is no easy way to stop procrastinating. You are just going to have to start forcing yourself to do your work. I would suggest giving yourself an award for every hour you steadily work. Think shots, dance party, booty call …what ever makes you happy.

forever and always,


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