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specialist/majors will make you crazy

Is it at all possible to be enrolled in both a specialist and a major? Or can you only do a double major?


Why are some people so keen on making themselves miserable?

The Calendar stipulates that the ideal graduation combo (think of it like McDonald’s) is a specialist, a major and two minors or a double major. A specialist at U of T is 10 credits, a major is 7 credits and a minor is 4 credits. So even if you did a specialist and a major for a total of 17 credits (seperately, though some courses would have major overlap in credits), you would be sharing 17 credits which would not even give you enough wiggle room for your distribution credits (what are they called now…you know the mandatory ones? oh: Breadth Requirements! ). Plus Aska believes firmly in having enough room to screw up and experiment with electives.

The answer is that you COULD potentially do a specialist and a major, but it will make you probably really, really unhappy trying to fit in your program requirements, plus Breadth classes and there are no serious advantages to it. Look into programs where you can do both, there’s a lot of English and Philosophy co-specialist programs, for example that would obstensibly do that. Look in the calendar and see what co-specialist programs interest you. And then book an appointment with your registrar to see what courses you could select for the fall term that would keep you “on track.”

xoxo, Askastudent

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