consider emancipation

Hi aska!
Sorry to bother you during reading week (maybe not, depending on when you open this) but I was just wondering if OSAP will cover everything in terms of tuition. I paid my first year using my RESP, and now I need OSAP. But when I tried the online estimation it said I was only eligible for a certain amount. What if I can’t pay the rest of the tuition?Thanks!



No it sadly doesn’t cover tuition for everyone, it really depends on how poor you are, but more importantly how poor your parents are. If you have been out of highschool for less than 4 years, OSAP will put your parents incomes into consideration when calculating your need. Unfotrunately if your parents makes a decent amount of money, than you will not be entitled to as much. OSAP makes assumptions. For example, that your parents will assist you with school.

Now despite how fair the little OSAP machine tries to be, it doesn’t always provide students with enough (even though their calculations say it does). There are various other outlets that you can consider:


2) Student Line of Credit

3) Each college has an financial advisor. I highly suggest going to talk with these chaps. They assess?your finacial need and then, if you need some extra dough, they will present your?case to a bursary board. They also have endless amounts of scholarship information in their brains.

forever thinking of zombies when seeing the word brains,


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