
when the going gets tough…


I’m in first year and I failed all my first midterms. I studied long and hard which is why I’m so mad that I failed all my midterms. I cant believe it! I just cant believe that I failed my midterms. I feel like I did my best and was confident enough before writing my tests and here, I though I would be getting at least a decent mark but no, I failed.. I’m starting to doubt whether I should really be in this university. This is really depressing. I feel as if I would’nt be able to pass all my other tests in the future.

Does this happen to other people too? failing all their midterms? Does this mean I should give up university?


Hey hey!

So you failed your first midterm, huh? To answer your questions, yes, this does happen to other people. Heck, this happened to me. Exact same thing actually – I went into my first exam thinking I knew just about everything and left the exam thinking I aced it. Then a week or two later I saw my grade and…well, let’s not get into that.

My point is that doing poorly on your first test of university isn’t uncommon. A lot of people suffer from the overconfidence of their high-80s high school average. So don’t feel depressed! What happened is pretty normal, but now it’s time to make some changes. Figure out what went wrong. Were you overlooking parts of the questions? Did you overlook certain readings? Was it that you didn’t understand a particular concept as well as you thought?

Talk to your professor or your T.A. (whoever graded your test) and get their opinion on how to do better on the next exam. Likewise, maybe attend one of the workshops run by the Academic Success Centre for further advice.

Failing one test doesn’t mean you should give up on university. If you quit every time something went wrong, you wouldn’t get very far would you?

Good luck!


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