life science

switching science for science

Hi Askastudent,

I’ve realized that I need to switched to the Life Sciences program? at the end of this year so that during second year of university I will be taking Life Sciences instead of Chemical and Physical Sciences. The? reason I am doing this is because I need to take at least 2 years of Life Sciences to apply to dental school.The courses I have from Life Sciences are, Calculus ( not calculus for life sciences), and chemistry. This means that I am in fact missing Biology. The problem is that Biology is now full and it would be unlikely to get into Biology this year. In addition, UTM is not offering biology at summer school. What can I do at this point? I don’t want to be behind a year because of one course, so what are your suggestions? Furthermore, would i still be able to transfer to life sciences next year? I would love to here what you suggest


Hey there!

So essentially you need to take BIO152 as soon as possible, right?

Unfortunately, if you can?t get in, then you can?t get in. All you can really do is wait until the course is offered again, which can potentially mean waiting a full year.

But if that doesn?t sound particularly enjoyable to you, you can try talking to the undergraduate advisor of Biology (or whatever Life Science program you were aiming for). If they allow for it, perhaps you can take a 100-level BIO course at UTSC or the St. George campus instead as your entry credit to the Life Sci program you want to be in.

Best of luck!


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