cinema studies

how to be in cinema studies without actually being in cinema studies


I’m a first year student who initially wanted to major in English, but with some sass on ROSI’s end and courses that filled up quicker than expected, I stumbled into a second year film course that didn’t require Introduction to Film as a prerequisite. I’ve decided that by the end of first year, I’ll want to declare a double major in English and Film, but without the Introduction to Film Studies course, is it still possible? By the end of the winter session, I’ll have 1.5 credits in Cinema Studies, having taken Sex and Cinema, Horror Film and Action and Spectacle.

Is there an email I have to write to someone important with a well-worded plea to give me what I want or will all go smoothly on ROSI come April?




Unfortunately, I had a chat with my Cinema Studies person and she was pretty clear that without Intro to Film Studies, it won’t be possible to get into the program. Even more daunting, you need at least a 70 from that class.

Now for your specific situation, what you CAN do is enrol in the specialist program for English this coming April as a bit of place-holder of sorts for your Subject POSts since you won’t be allowed to enrol in courses without one. Then of course you can take INI115Y in your second year. At the same time, you can take other cross-listed courses that’ll contribute to that major’s requirements. These ones are offered by different departments but still count and are usually quite easy to get into. So for example you can take FIN250H Finish Cinema and/or GER261H History of Yiddish Cinema — both of which come with no tricky prerequisites!

What this means is that while you won’t be in the Cinema Studies program, you’ll still be taking courses that’ll contribute to it!

Also, tip: maybe take INI228H The Business of Film next year if you haven’t fulfilled your group 5 breadth requirement? Because it doesn’t require INI115Y, it seems to be a bit of a neccessity for the program, and it’s a Cinema Studies course.



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