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i have a major in bio and a minor bio… sounds bad, doesn’t it?

Is it possible to do a major and minor in biology, I don’t like all the courses under the specialist and they are messing with my schedule. Also how many courses can overlap between a major and minor or two minors. Lastly is it possible/allowed to graduate in three years instead of four?



So like…?I just — I’m honestly?kind of at a loss on how to answer you.

Just no.

No, you cannot complete a major and a minor in the same subject. The idea is that you can come out of your undergrad with some kind of expertise in two or more subjects, or a highly in depth understanding of just one, but no, you can’t do a major and minor in Biology.

Now what you can do is major in Biology, and then complete a second major in another Bio-esque program like Animal Physiology or Cell and Molecular Biology. If any courses between them overlap, then lucky you. There’s no real limit, just make sure you’re fulfilling your requirements.

That being said, you can definitely graduate in three years so long as, again, you fulfill all of your requirements. Meaning both your program requirements and your degree requirements! Granted, that might be a bit difficult if you’re in a large bunch of science courses in one semester. And they’ll also totally consume your summer. Are you sure you’re up for that?

Well, good luck sifting through the calender for overlapping programs!



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