subject POST

the consequences of not picking your POSt

I’m in my first year, and because of a bunch of stuff that went on, I’m afraid I probably won’t get my 4 credits required to apply for a subject post. When I looked at the website about subject posts, it says you have to choose one, “or else” kind of business. But seeing how I can’t, what happens? I know I’ll be stuck in first year, but do I have to talk to a counsellor about it? Or do I just pick courses again like I did first year? And when I do get my last credit needed, does that mean I pick u subject post after first term next year?
(I know this might be something I should talk to my college’s counsellor about, but I hate confrontation. ): )
Thanks, Kim


Hey Kim,

I don’t know if you’ve heard, but the truth is… well, when first-years don’t finish at least 4.0 FCE and choose their Subject POSts, UofT actually sacrifices them to the Great Other who feasts upon their souls and then turns their lifeless corpses into little puppets that then lead future students into debauchery that prevents THEM from completing 4.0 FCE.

Liek srsly.

Nah, I’m just kidding.

If you don’t get 4.0 FCE then you just don’t. Simple as that!

You’ll just be picking courses again like you did in first year but with the new batch of first years, which might be problematic for you in that you might not get a spot in the 200-level courses you want soooo…

But if you do get that last credit, then yes, you’ll need to pick. Basically you enroll in Subject POSts after completing 4.0 FCE.

Or else.




  • Anonymous

    What happens if you take summer courses to fulfill the gap in credit requirement?, does it count towards your credit accumulated in your 1st year, or towards 2nd?, if it is 1st, you can then select a POSt right?

  • aska

    there’s no “first year’s batch of credits” versus “second year’s batch of credits.” it all accumulates to one giant whole. but essentially, you pick a subject POSt right after the session you finish 4.0 FCE.

    so say you finish first-year with 3.5 FCE and take a course in either the first or second half of the summer. in that case, you’ll pick a subject POSt right after you get the last credit to your 4.0 FCE.

    make sense?

  • anon

    i’m probably going to fail a course that I c/nc this semester. the problem is, i withdrew from a lot of courses that were pulling me down gpa-wise, so i only have 4.0 credits (along with that c/nc course I’m failing atm).

    but what if i can’t take summer courses due to the fact i live out of province and i’m going home for the summer (i never thought i could possibly fail a course…).

    when the time comes to enrol in courses, will i be put in with the 1st years? or 2nd years? i realize i can’t declare a POST if i don’t have 4.0 credits so will i be an “undeclared major” next year?

  • aska

    you’ll be selecting courses with the first-year students come july. and you simply won’t have a post, which is perfectly fine.

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