
block questions scare me

Hi, I am a first year student at uoft and am currently (and have been for a while) freaking out over my grades. First semester was great but for some reason second semester has been much harder for me, probably because I took on more courses. My grades aren’t the best, but they aren’t the worst either. I’m passing in everything (and important question: what is ‘passing’ exactly at uoft? My friend said its a 65-68! Then I am not passing in everything!) I think I did well in most of my exams though I’m really scared for the last one I have tomorrow! What if I bomb? I guess the point of this message is that I’m really scared for academic probation. I have read a ton on it but am still a little confused. I am already signed up for 2 courses this summer. When will I know that I am on probation, at the end of this semester in April, or at the end of summer. If April, then can’t I just raise my GPA to the requirement over the summer and be put on Good Standing (what average do you need to be out of Good Standing and, you know, all clear?)and take my regular courses in September? But if i need to enroll in courses in July/August, wont this really hurt me, since I can only enroll in 2.0 courses? And if probation is calculated after summer session, could I possibly be all clear granted I do well in my courses?

This just sucks big time and I have myself to blame, because of this I couldn’t get into the program that I wanted so I need to be on top game for next year so I can reapply for third year. This is going to be all messed up if I get put on probation but its all on me 🙁



Are you sure you’ve read a ton? Because it’s really not that difficult…. granted, if that were the case, I’d be out of business so I guess it really is a pain to read. Hm.

Anyway, firstly, passing = 50%. You friend was probably talking his/her own standards of passing.

Next…. oh, academic probation. Okay, so as stated many, many times, academic probation happens when you fail to achieve a CGPA of at least 1.50.?Now being placed on probation is all apart of your academic standing being assessed, something that happens when you’ve taken at least 4.0 FCE and at the end of an academic session, so either in mid-May after the Fall/Winter session or in late-August after the Summer session. Make sense?

This means that no, there will be no “raising your GPA over the summer” to fix what will be assessed for this year. That’s a separate session.

But you’ll know your standing soon enough. GPAs will be calculated/put up on ROSI in the next few weeks.

If you DO end up on probation, however, this won’t necessarily affect your summer courses, but it WILL make things a little more daunting in that if you screw up those courses you’re in right now, you can potentially get yourself suspended. To get OFF of academic probation you’ll have to finish the next session (that being the summer one since you’re taking courses in it) with a CGPA of 1.50 ?or get an annual GPA of 1.70. But don’t worry about these tidbits until you find out your standing!

If you do end up on probation, I recommend against taking too many summer courses. I’d hate to see your block of questions on suspension. 😉



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