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waiting for the second time around… after second year

how hard is it to enrol into a new major at the end of second year? and what if the major is a type 2l enrolment program?



It all really depends on the program.

For some, the requirements are the same, for others they rise substantially.

So, for example, take the Ethics, Society, and Law major, which helpfully enough suits this situation and makes me wonder if it’s what you’re asking me about. Anyway, for first year applicants, you just need at least 73% in a certain set of 3.0 FCE. But for those applying after second year, you’ll need a 73% again, but from PHL271H and some other ones.

Now the “hard” part here would be that now you’re building an average from 200-level courses, which, naturally, are harder than 100-levels.

So how hard is it?

Well, that all depends on how hard-working you are! And how badly you want to be in the program. 😉

Good luck!


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